Thursday, August 20, 2009

Semi Annual Daddy Longlegs Spider Convention

Yes, it's that time of year again...the Semi Annual Daddy Longlegs Spider Convention is now convening at our house.

This event happens 2 or 3 times a year, when I get the notion to call a gathering of these quiet domestic creatures. They stay at our place, rent free for most of the year. We don't really mind since they are quiet and pretty much keep to themselves, unlike some of their relatives! In fact, since our house has 10 foot high ceilings, we really do not encounter the peaceful daddy longlegs very often. If we happen to move a piece of furniture, they always scurry in the opposite direction, seeking shelter of some sort. In exchange for free rent, they do their small part to try to control the population of flies, mosquitoes and other small insectal (is that a word?!) type inhabitants of our little house in the jungle.

So, we live in a sort of harmony with the daddy longlegs. Hmm, I wonder if the mommy longlegs get tired of being called daddy longlegs...?

Anyhow, today I called to order the semi annual meeting. As usual all are invited to stay in the plush Ricar Rc 1400, a state of the art hotel and convention center all in one. It is designed to suit their taste. It is dark, private and is by invitation only.

I did invite a few mosquitoes and flies to this year's gathering, so the buffet table would not be empty. I wonder if daddy longlegs turn cannibalistic when the food runs out?

You may wonder what created such concern for the well-being of our 8-legged friends and whey we would go to all this trouble.

It's simple really. Company.

Yes, that's right. We may have company stopping by soon, so I decided that it was time to call this meeting of all the daddy longlegs. I hope they enjoy their stay. I tried to make sure that no one was left out.

I tried to upload a pic of the convention center but after 3 hours, it still wasn't happening.

So to those who are still wondering about this lavish occasion for the 8-legged visitors... is...

...our vacuum cleaner!!!

Have great day!

Ray & Becki file:///Users/rayneu/Desktop/PICT0041.JPG

Monday, August 3, 2009

Pastors in Class...

May I brag a moment? I won't take long and I won't talk about me either...

I'd like to share some thoughts from some of the pastors and future pastors who are in classes here in Belize. Perhaps through these comments you may get a sense of their hearts and be more motivated to pray for them (and their teacher!)

These comments are all taken off of tests that were turned in.

From a church history class:

"The part where Bonhoeffer says that he developed his theology of "costly grace". And it is true because Jesus Christ shed His precious blood on the cross for our sins."

(p.s. "Costly grace" is the idea that it costs someone something each time grace is given. Often, as in Bonhoeffer's case, it is very costly, it cost him his life...)

"The discussion that showed that pressure on the church brings reformation. That suffering is a vital part of Christianity because it causes the child of God to draw closer to Him for strength and when the corporate church is going to God for the same thing then revival breaks out."

"I have learnt alot from this course, especially about what people had to do and what they went through to get where we are. Also, how the church grew tremendously in some parts of the world. It is up to us to keep the church / Christianity alive."

From a class on Declaring the Gospel:

"Struggling sometimes, feeling weak sometimes but I want to trust my good Lord to help me more in all my life. Amen"

"I have to go and make disciples in all the villages."

"I am part of the Great Commission now because I am beginning to sense changes in my life that I can't understand and I want to help others to know about God also."


You don't know these students / pastors as I do but I hope you can hear something of their hearts. Let that guide your prayers for them!

Be blessed!

Ray & Becki