Monday, September 29, 2008

Gone Fishin

Rachel and I THOUGHT we were just going to see how badly the Mullins River temporary bridge had washed out.  Little did we know that we were gonna go fishin!!!

As we took the little detour turn off we noticed 3 guys wading thru the river where it is generally low...and then we saw THE CAR.  A little less than 1/2 way across and stopped at an odd angle we saw in an instant that this guy was in trouble. His passenger side was tilted into the water and just getting to the bottom of the door.  I put the car in reverse, backed out of the detour road and headed to camp to get Ray.  All of this happened in about 2 minutes. 

Up to the house I quickly drove &  explained to Ray that he had to come...NOW.
On the way to the bridge we stopped at the only other home within miles of our home and borrowed a chain.  We were hoping the neighbor boys were home to be able to bring the tractor to help.  No dice as they were out in their fields not due home for awhile.  It was up to us.  

Meanwhile another truck had entered the picture...a meat truck.  The guys we saw earlier were delivering product (WHO KNOWS WHAT!) to this meat truck from across the river in 5 gallon buckets when the little red blazer showed up.  The guys convinced him that he could make it across in the shallow part.  So, after driving 1 1/2 hours from Belize City and having no bridge to cross, he decided to go for it.  OOPS!  Big Mistake!

Just shy of half way, he drove off the 'shallow' part and there he remained until we showed up!

To their credit, the 3 guys stayed to help this poor fellow.  So with a rope from the meat truck, the chain we had borrowed from the neighbor and our truck we were still short. Ray went up the hill again to see if he could find anything else at the neighbors and he came back with two very thick pieces of rope.  The meat truck guy ties them together, hooks it on the back of Rays truck and one of the three guys goes into the river to tie it onto the chain and other rope, already attached to the sinking car.  Oh yeah, by now the water is up to the passenger door windows.

Ray backs into the water, hoping that HE was in the shallow part, but still had to back up until his bumper was under water.  But it works....after a LONG 30 seconds the little Blazer starts to move and all of the chain/ropes held until he was on dry ground.

Unbelievably the car is still running.  Introductions all around, the meat guy packs it up, the 3 guys wade back across the river and then the car chugs to a stop.  And after many attempts, will not restart.  

During all of this, sort of an insult added to injury, 2 other trucks pull up.  They are there from the government Dept. of Works to inspect the bridge!!!  They try to help restart the car, but still no dice.  But I did have a chat with them and found out that money has come in to rebuild the 'temporary bridge' a little bit better so it isn't washing out every other day ( no kidding).  And the same for the bridge in Kendall that stranded us in Punta Gorda the 1st week we were here.  That is a whole other story tho...since then both bridges have been repaired and washed out again.

So we tow our new friend, Jerome, a Frenchman, off of the detour road and up to our camp.  He proceeds to quickly take his soaked computer apart and dry it out.  After dinner, a load of clean clothes, email on my laptop and a good conversation with Ray about what WE were doing out here in the jungle and making a bunk for our guest we called it a night. 

Next day, the car is still not working, but  a tow truck arrives that had been arranged the night before and he is off to Dangriga.  A very grateful Jerome let us take his picture.  Feliz, who doesn't do much with a camera took the pix, so it is blurry, but you'll get the idea.  Isadoro, the camp worker said that we caught a red snapper!!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Minty Clean Scorpion!

Becki must be blessed....

she finds nearly all the scorpions!

This morning when she grabbed the Listerine, there was one of her little 'friends' lurking just behind the bottle! So she went to find one of my sandals and sent the little fellow into the next realm - never to return.

Then she left it on the top step for me to see when I came back - nice...
sort of like a cat bringing its latest catch home to show off.

Good job Beck!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

JUST made it across in time...!

Today was a day of visiting a few pastors, encouraging and helping as able. It was a good day, not as busy as most, which made the heavy rain seem not so impressive. It rained hard off and on, stopping progress on the foundation for the new San Roman church, making driving rather slow at times and cooling the air off quite nicely (some were too cool, but for me the 78 degree air was fantastic!).

We did not mind being inside during downpours. Perhaps providentially, I wore my Crocs today, so I really did not mind getting my feet soaked either. The plastic shoes are fine wet - and I knew my socks would dry in time also.

The leisurely but productive day was interrupted by yet another flat tire. I attempted to plug it myself...when that failed, I changed the flat for the repaired spare I had - and then went to get it fixed again...large patch number 2 inside of it!

On the way back towards home, I had stopped to see a couple more people and ---- a l m o s t ---- did not make it home at all! The temporary bridge at Kendall, which has been more than temporary, was quickly becoming in danger of being submerged once again by the rapidly rising water. It appeared that I would be the lsat truck across as some of the gravel had already slipped back into the river creating a small gap at one side of the wooden platform bridge.

Somehow, 2 others small trucks made mad dashes across, the second of which nearly did not make it at all, prompting a hasty retreat from the mini-van that had been following the little truck. Many people gathered on both sides of the river to watch this act of nature perform once again. It has become more common since the major flood a few months ago.

I can confidently say this - it is a WHOLE lot more fun to watch the river rise to flood stage - when you are on the side that leads towards home!! The last time was a real bummer.

Here's a few pics for you...


Thursday, September 11, 2008


Actually - our current prayer request is that you join us in praying for the approval of our WORK PERMITS so we can stay in Belize. After a couple of days of driving to Belize City to pick up a letter, then to Belmopan, to deliver the letter and purchase applications, photos, copies, etc, etc, etc - - we found out when we first attempted to turn in our applications that they needed more information...

So, back to Belize City, obtained further documents needed, back to Belmopan, more copies, more smiles and more papers delivered and now...

we wait 2 - 3 weeks to find out if we will be approved. THIS IS VITAL!!

So we are asking you to pray for our WORK PERMITS to be approved.

After that, we can then apply for Rachel as well. But each step has to follow in its proper sequence, so.......

We cannot stress enough that we NEED THIS - so help us pray please!!

(Sorry to not have written in awhile - um, been busy...!?!!!
I'll do better I hope...)

I can say that Pastors' Classes are going well - keeping me busy that's for sure. Between teaching and grading and reporting and preparing for the next class - it's BUSY! But it's GOOD!!

Keep praying for these classes, the pastors and future pastors that are attending - 


those who are not but should be! We want them in too!!

Thanks friends!
Ray & Becki