Sunday, December 30, 2007

Some pics

New Year - New You!

Okay, so most people shy away from New Year Resolutions and for good reason. We try to accomplish our goals all on our power. That is where we fall short.

As Christians, we are tapped into the most incredible power available anywhere in the Universe. As we make plans, goals, resolutions, it is not such a bad thing if we do a couple of simple things:

*First, acknowledge that we cannot do this on our own. We need God’s power working in us in order to accomplish our goals. Fortunately, this is exactly what Scripture says is true. God’s power does work in us when we allow it to!
* Second, seek goals that are in line with God’s will for our lives. Fortunately this too is pretty simple to do since God’s Word tells us most everything we need to know in order to do His will.
* Third, trust God that you are becoming more and more of the person of Christ that He wants you to be. Again, this is not just for a select few but for everyone who is a follower of Jesus. The Bible teaches that we are made and being conformed into the image of Christ.

So – go ahead – make those goals, plans and resolutions. After all, you have all of heaven waiting to help you accomplish them!

Many blessings and much love ---

Ray & Becki

Thursday, December 27, 2007

To Belize and Back and Beyond…

Well, we have proven that a busy travel schedule can keep us (or me…) from being able to keep up with our blog - and I learned that 3 weeks of travel just before Christmas does not help one prepare for this big day…

- or maybe it does. With very little free time over 3 weeks of traveling, it left me only one week to ‘get ready’ and that too was stymied by the lack of hearing excessive Christmas music (that can be a blessing!), the tight restrictions on our budget this year and especially, the places I had been and the people I had been with. Going from the Philippines to Nashville to Belize really put me through a sort of economic wringer. The poor of the 2 countries I visited and the posh decorations of the Opryland hotel (I did not stay there!) are a stark contrast to each other.

The last week I was traveling in Belize, among the Indian people. I saw 2 Christmas trees. 1 in a church that was being dedicated, so it was extra decorated and 1 in the home of an American living in Belize. I did not hear lots of talk about what people were getting each other and the anticipated hardships of paying off those credit cards. When you don’t have them, you don’t use them…and the Indians don’t have them.
What a blessing.

I can’t complain, Becki and I and David and Rachel (2 of our 4 grandkids) are spending the holidays in Gatlinburg, TN. It may not be the complete lap of luxury but it is at least sitting on the knee somewhere. It’s nice. Being together is nicer. We are in a very small room, all 4 of us. We fold out and fold up the kids sofa each day so they can sleep and so we can have more room to move about. We walk around town seeing the sights and marveling each night as Becki somehow manages to make amazing meals with nothing more than a microwave and an electric skillet and 2 feet of counter space.

There’s no tree here in our room – no room for one. But there’s nothing missing from our celebration. We found a great church to worship in and as Rachel said in her handmade cards to each of us –“You do not need Christmas, all you need is God and your family.”

Kudos Rachel. Perhaps that was well reflected in the popcorn Becki and Rachel strung on Christmas eve and hung on an evergreen tree outside on Christmas morning. Perhaps that was well reflected in the 5 hour long Monopoly game we played Christmas day, while talking to loved ones on the phone. Perhaps that also is reflected in that all we really want – is to be in contact with those we love.

Thanks for all the texts, calls and emails – technology does help!

For those who are fans of the “Life is Good” t-shirts, I wanted to share my Christmas present with you. It is so appropriate that Becki said they had to get it for me. It is the one that shows the world with a man walking around it. The title speaks to our hearts as far as missions and God’s will is concerned, it says: No Roaming Charges.

We love where we are in this stage of our life. Understandably, it might not work for everybody but we are finding it a pleasure to see how our God works in all things for those who love Him and are called according to His purposes. We have no job, no income, no insurance, no security and no real retirement to lean on. But what we do have is so much more valuable. We have each other, our love, our family, our faith and the confidence that God is working in us to accomplish what He desires.

May you all be as blessed as we feel.
Love you all…
Ray & Becki

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Quick update

I have been on the go so much!

Got home from the Philippines...
Ray left for Nashville... Becki left for New Jersey...
Ray got home from Nashville... Becki got home from New Jersey...
Ray left for Belize... Becki stayed to meet others needs...
Ray got home from Belize... Becki worked doing meals for Holiday parties...
it's snowed 6 inches!

Something's not quite right!

Anyhow, just a word to let you know we really appreciate the prayers - please see the updates. And watch for more as I get a chance to tell some of what God has been doing lately with "The Neu's!"

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Philippines Pics

so.... while waiting for us to tell you some more stories from our incredible trip to the Philippines, how about a few pictures to pass the time?!








Friday, November 23, 2007

Rape, Murder and Mercy

A parent's WORST nightmare!!! We have heard the story right here, from those ministering in one of the poorest and roughest areas in the greater Manila area. A young girl who had been involved in the program at the Arenda church, apparently asked the wrong man to buy her an ice cream. He did buy her the ice cream but then exacted a cost that is beyond all comprehension.

He and 2 accomplices took this young girl, raped her, beat her to death, then stuffed her body in a trash bag and buried her, hoping she would never be found. If you have been here, to this community that is built entirely on what was the city dump, you can only imagine how easy it would be, amid the various rancid odors and deplorable conditions, to hide a small body and truly never expect it to ever be found again. She was only 8 years old.

It took 3 days, but they did find the abandoned body of this precious little girl. Quick actions were taken to find those who so badly brutalized and abused her. 2 of the 3 have been convicted. The search continues for the third man. Some sort of legal justice has been served. Yet there remains a gaping hole, not where her body was dug up, but where the parents lost their beautiful is in their hearts.

There is another hole as well, in the hearts of the parents of the men who committed this horrid crime. What could possibly be done to repair such tragedy? Most of us would think that there is nothing that can be done. Their pain and shame will never go away.

Enter God.

In a most amazing turn of events, those from the church we built in Arenda ministered to the parents who lost their daughter. They also ministered to the parents of the man mainly responsible for her death. Somehow, in the midst of extreme tragedy, God's love shown through. Somehow, when their hearts could not drown out their sorrow, God's still, quiet Voice came through clearly. He loved them, He understood, He could heal their pain. He did.

Each family gave themselves over to the Love of One who understands what it is like to lose a Son. Each family gave their hearts to this Heavenly Father to administer healing that no other could even touch. No surgeon could reach deep enough into their hearts to repair this deep, deep damage. None other than the Great Physician. God worked a new miracle in the hearts and lives of each family.

To show just how amazing and how complete this healing, forgiveness, mercy and love goes - just visit the little Arenda church of the Nazarene. The sight that awaits is something of the nearly unbelievable comprehension that our own hearts hope for but struggle to really grasp. There in the aftermath of intense life-altering sorrow, 2 families connected on opposite ends of this very personal tragedy, join together in worship of their God and Savior Jesus Christ! It is a testament to the ongoing power of Jesus to change lives, to transform despair into hope and to show us all that no one and no situation is beyond His reach!

I praise God for this incredible story. I grieve for the very high price that was paid by all the families involved but I praise my God, who daily bears our burdens!

Humbled by His mercy,


Sunday, November 18, 2007

Christmas Wish List

Question: What do you get for missionaries who can’t take much with them?!
Answer: Small things!! (like cash!!)

** Yes, the universal gift always works. Just so you know, when we do receive gifts like this, we like to put it straight into our missions account. It is our desire to always be building that up because that is where we draw from to pay for plane tickets for our missions work.

** Another idea is AIR MILES – from any airline. This is helping us with our trip to the Philippines and could help with future trips as well. So if you have miles that may expire before you can use them – or you just want to give some of your away, we can make good use of them!

** The other thing you may want to consider is to help provide some DVD’s as we will NOT have television available in Belize. So, we will rely on dvds for occasional entertainment for ourselves, but even more importantly, we want to collect certain dvd titles to use to minister to the villages. We do intend to have a traveling projector and dvd player to be able to show these in churches. (hint, hint)

I am listing some dvds from the recent VISION VIDEO catalog. You can see these and order them at or by calling 1-800-523-0226. If you don’t have our mailing address - email or call us –we’ll give it to you, just didn’t want to publish everything on the web…

Here’s some ideas for our Christmas Wish List that will be helpful in Belize: I have included the Item numbers to make it easier.
The Visual Bible (we have Matthew but could use Acts - #0339D and John #100025D)
Amazing Grace # 49305D
Stretch and Pray # 98461D
Sandfloor Cathedral # 501175D
Celtic Hymns #501209D
To God be the Glory # 501210D
Affectionately Yours, Screwtape # 501167D
More Than Dreams, # 501117D
Mother Teresa, #24558D
End of the Spear, # 24570D
Francis of Assisi, # 24837D
The Mission, #3497D

Most of these are $20-$25 - OR – if you have any of these in DVD and would want to send them to us –we will be happy to receive your used copies!

Also, if you have other suggestions of videos you have seen that would be good for teaching – or, some just for fun, those would be happily accepted as well!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007



We are just about a week away from a trip to the Philippines. This will be a packed week of preaching and revisiting ministries we have worked with over the years. Ray has been asked to be the Anniversary speaker for the TayTay First Church of the Nazarene. This amazing church is a large, aggressive, creative ministry factory! They really make things happen there! This is both an honor and a special joy for us to partner with them once again.

Please pray for the different services and opportunities Ray will have to minister to various groups:
• Sunday morning: TayTay Church
• Sunday evening : TayTay Young People
• Monday : Missionaries and staff
• Tuesday: Seminary Chapel

SPIRIT LED BLESSING - A Personal Glimpse

In August, during an intense time of Bible reading and prayer, I sensed the Lord telling me to ASK, that I was being prompted to ASK for “anything”! This took a few moments to really soak in, the sensation and thought was so strong that I was completely caught up in the moment. I sensed the Father’s hand being extended to me along with the Spirit’s words, “You may ask…”

In that precious moment, I immediately thought of the missions oriented second Psalm which says “Ask of Me and I’ll give you the nations as an inheritance.” Through grateful and excited tears I asked God for the nations, for tens of thousands of salvations, ones that would last and bear fruit and fruit that would remain. (John 15:16)

I share this very personal God encounter to let you know that it is indeed a special honor to see this rhema word coming true in continually new ways. The trip to Singapore was an incredible fulfillment, presenting our Lord to students from 22 nations. The upcoming trip to the Philippines will be similar. Not only will I be able to minister the wonderful Filipinos we have come to love so much but will also speak to adult students from several Asian nations at the seminary. The potential impact on this region of the world cannot be measured.

Please join us in praying for an extraordinary move of God during these days in the Philippines. Your partnership in prayers, financial giving and friendship mean so much to us, allowing us to have such incredible opportunities.

Thank you so much! We love and appreciate you!

Ray & Becki



Okay, so this might not seem real spiritual or have a whole lot to do with our preparations to move to Belize…Buuuuut….it is a gift from God that we are so close that we can spend some serious time with our grandchildren before we leave for a few years. In addition to able to see them often, we were blessed to be able to spend some wonderful “grandparent” time recently, just going to a great park near the center of Columbus. In fact, it is the same park where Becki basically spent most of her youth, playing ball, ice skating, etc.

We had an unexpectedly nice day, the forecasted rain did not make a appearance and the sunshine did, so we took full advantage of the beautiful day and took 2 year old Christian for a 3 hour romp in the park. We walked and played in the colorful fall leaves. We fed and entire loaf of bread to the hungry, hungry ducks! What a blast that was!

Proud Papa took over 50 pictures on his cell phone chronicling our fantastic day. Here’s a couple sneak peeks. Sorry you can’t have as much fun as we did but hey…

Me and My Girl!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

You Better Belize It!!

Just a quick update to say:
"Things are happening!"

We have had meetings recently which have been very encouraging as plans are being made for our move to Belize.

Please keep us and the plans and especially the people we will be working with, in your prayers.

Alfred Lord Tennyson said: "More things are wrought in prayer than this world dreams of."

Let's keep that alive!

Ray & Becki

Friday, October 26, 2007

Fabulous Fall Visit to Cape May

We had SUCH a great time seeing so many friends again!! You really made us feel loved, appreciated and missed! We miss you all too!!

* all the hugs and warm greetings, (Becki said she really misses those hugs!!)
* the fun we had catching up,
* the food, (Marker's, Bove's, Gager's, Lindsay's, Chief Hart and Carol, REALLY HOT Habeneros! - Jacob, XXXX BBQ Hot Sauce - Bill, and dinners with Carl, Gail, Brandon, Sarah and then our friend Tom)
* the chance for Becki to minister at the Ladies Spa Day,
* The chance to go to Gia's benefit - Gia's hair is longer than mine now!
The Youth Ablaze did a really great job that night - wow!
{Hey! We won a SCRAPBOOK! Now we have something to put all your cards into!! Yeah!}
* the chance for Ray to attend and minister at Celebrate Recovery, what a great group of people there!
* the painting work and the help with it - Thanks Mike!
* the times to sit and visit and remember and enjoy
* the hospitality (Bove's and P. Joe - and all the others who stopped by the house or the beach!)
* the golf - the youngsters (Jeff & Jacob) think they won but Carl & I are not sure of the scorekeeping! (rematch!)

For those who were not happy about the unusually warm weather - it was just for us - we REALLY enjoyed our brief but warm and relaxing visits to the beach!

Thank you so so much!
We ran out of time before getting the chance to see nearly enough people - please know that we love you all and can't wait to get back again!

P.S. - If anyone wants to drive out to Ohio - the fall colors in PA were fabulous!

Your Buckeye Friends,
Ray & Becki

Sunday, October 21, 2007

"It's in the Mail" - somewhere in Singapore...

This famous line has been used for decades as an excuse for late payments, etc...

We are quoting it now because we are just finding out that many of you did not receive the 'Thank You' cards and letters we wrote and mailed FROM SINGAPORE! We thought it would be a nice twist to see Singapore stamps on your incoming mail - not something you see everday so we spent a lot of time in Singapore writing our truly heartfelt thanks to so many who blessed us with your friendship.

To now discover that most of those letters are lost somewhere is really discouraging!

Please know - that we wrote to EVERYONE who gave us a card, a gift or even hearty handshakes and hugs during the time of our 'Farewell' to Cape May. We wanted you all to know how appreciated and valuable you are to us. We felt SO very loved by so many people -it has been such a blessing and comfort and wonderful reminder at times, just to know that - Thank you!!

So, for the few who did receive your international mail - Yeah!

And for so many who did not, here's hoping that they do find their way to your mailbox soon!

From our hearts to yours

Ray & Becki

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Missions as Seen from Singapore

I want to share something amazing that we experienced while in Singapore. Here in the US, we have long thought that the world revolves around us in a lot of important ways. Think about it - we have the "World" series, but it only involves American baseball teams. There are more things like this, even in our Christiain circles.

We think that we send the most missionaries, that we send the most money, that we are the primary hope for the world to hear about Jesus.

I now think we are wrong, or at least sorely misguided in some ways - or perhaps just a bit ignorant of some key facts.

Becki and I found churches in Singapore that have AMAZING mission programs! We read about ministry to several difficult countries. We witnessed reports from very recent trips. We heard from young people and older people, it seemed that everyone had a place to go.

We heard plans for several trips from just one church, to go to several countries, all during this coming Christmas time!! I was deeply convicted that we are not doing all we can do!

I was also taken with the fervor we witnessed and the level of commitments we heard.

I also saw that this strategy really makes a whole lot of sense! Sending white skinned Americans into some areas just doesn't make sense - they stick out too much! Sending Americans who need to spend 2-3 years trying to learn the local language doesn't make a lot of sense either when there are thousands upon thousands who already know the language. Sending Americans who require a whole lot more money to support than the nationals isn't always the best stewardship either.

Understand that I am not bashing our efforts but I am saying that I have seen that the Body of Christ has partners who are eager, zealous, highly committed, actively GOing and not waiting for the US church to lead the way.

Yes, there are still times when these nationals and others need some specfic help that is not available locally, but - I believe now more than ever, that there are times that we simply need to pray and get out of the way.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Belize Prayer Month

After a mission meeting at Grove City Nazarene, October has become the month to pray for Belize. Specifically, about our moving there, when this can happen, preparations, both on our end and with the people in Belize.

Here are some of my thoughts over the last couple of days:

Hello everyone -

I've been thinking about how we should be praying for Belize...

I don't have a lot of specifics but I am really being challenged in my own reading currently to not just pray safe, predictable prayers and to see opportunities out of things that may not look like opportunities when they first present themselves.

They 'might' look like opportunities but they may also seem
too big,
too costly,
too far beyond our reach,
not what we were planning
or how we were planing it

or they may even look like trouble...

I'm not sure where this is all headed yet but some of the Scriptures I'm being challenged by are not the normal, comfortable, safe kind of Scriptures. So, I just wanted to share this and say this:

As we pray this month for the developing ministry in Belize, let's expect to be surprised. Let do as David said, Let God hear our requests in the morning and then wait in expectation.

And, do not look past ANYTHING that comes up that has to do with Belize! ANY comment, article, person, broadcast, etc. etc. just might lead to the next connection we need.

Lastly, let's share our prayer thoughts, nudges, Scriptures, fears, hopes and let's see if we can track down the element of mystery in all of this - that part God has yet to reveal to us!

Seeking His face...


Sunday, September 30, 2007

Explosion and Double Death Threats!!

Okay, so is you don't know it, we don't live in the best part of town, but it's not that bad either - yet some interesting things have happened lately.

We live on a corner, both at the front and at the back of our home, we are surrounded by the steet or the two alleys. At the back, behind our detached garage, is where the City had dropped off one of the 'green monsters'. These 300 gallon trash cans are pretty big and can collect a lot of trash in a week's time. Being on the corner I think ours can get extra attention at times. One morning at 4:30 am, it was the center of attention for the local fire company who came to put out the fire that resulted from someone either lighting the trash on fire or putting a small incendiary device into the huge trash can. It actually burned for awhile then EXPLODED! The flaming trash flew everywhere! The trash was also burning the outside of our wooden garage, which housed a gas can, lawnmower, several bikes --- and my truck. Did I mention that our van was parked right next to it?

You can see the scorch marks on the garage from this early morning arsonist. I guess since it did not burn down or burn up my truck, we have some thanks and praise to deliver! We do Thank God for His protection and the so grateful to experience His watchcare over us.

Our neighbors have apparently not had a good relationship with their neighbors on the other side. We don't know any of them yet but have noticed the rather loud, vulgar language and rude attitudes that seem to be prevalent. Just recently, the Columbus police were called out to attempt to calm a very volatile seen where both men were threatening at the top of their lungs "I'm gonna KILL you!"

Hey, kids wanna come inside and play now?! Yeah good idea!

Anyhow, I don't know what all happened but the neighbors next to us suddenly moved out of their apartment. Perhaps that will be good, perhaps it will only mean a different person of the same temperament may move in. Perhaps the Lord will get ahold of all of them and rearrange their hearts before they do some rearranging on their own...(if you know what I mean...)

Annnnd.....just as of this morning, I watched a man go through our yard and then the alleys around our house, raising his dark sunglasses so he could see to scan the ground for something of value. Did I mention this was long before sunglasses would be needed? Yeah...let the reader understand. He was searching for enough change to make a purchase...of what exactly I was not sure. But when Becki and I encountered him on our walk to the grocery store, he was standing just out of direct sight, licking his lips. Needless to say, my defenses were rising rather quickly. When we passed by that spot again, there was an oversized beer can left where he had been.

We also passed a spot where people are living back in some brush next to the train tracks and came across a couple who appear to be living in a storage rental unit. I wouldn't have seen all of this except my wife takes short cuts to go to the store...I reminded her that her husband would really appreciate her not doing this route alone!

So, keep us and our neighborhood in your prayers - we - or they...need them.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Saying GoodBye to Singapore

Wow! (I seem to keep saying that when i think of everything that has occurred this trip!) We are leaving to head back to Ohio on Wednesday and can truly say that we have seen God's hand at work. Some of what I would like to share I cannot even do right now, there is so much that has impacted us and touched our lives so that we will no longer be exactly the same. God has stretched us, used us, taught us, blessed us and given us the chance to see and experience new things and some familiar things in new ways.

THANK YOU to everyone who has given financially, who has encouraged us along the way and especially to those who have prayed faithfully. We will share more in person when we see some of you because not all that we experienced here should be shared in this sort of public forum. But.....just ask us when you see us and we will be sure to share!!

Keep us in your prayers - Becki's finger is better, still quite sore though. We are working on next steps for whatevver God has in store and wherever / whenever all that comes together.

I will share more very soon that has already developed even while we were here in Singapore - our God is never boring!!!

Love and blessings to you all!

Ray & Becki

Friday, September 14, 2007

Harvest Time!

WOW! What a week this has been !!

Today was such a blessing as the students prayed, some to give their hearts to Christ for the very first time and many telling God that He could have their whole life - that they would do whatever He wanted them to do for the rest of their lives. I was so encouraged and blessed that I was moved to tears a number of times as I looked at the earnestness on their faces.

Thursday, September 13, 2007


Oki Doki - so this was weird. Last night we were walking through China Town and this morning we were walking to the school - each time that the two earthquakes hit - but we did not actually realize it until later!!

I guess that from what we were told -it is sometimes tought to tell when it happens unless you are sitting still. Teachers were in a meeting this morning and they felt it -saw it more, as the projector hanging from the ceiling swayed. The most obivous for others was that they saw ripples in the water or felt a sense of vertigo. THIS part I do understand, I did feel that last night and even mentioned it to Becki that all of the sudden I was dizzy for just a bit but did not know why.

This morning, Becki, who loves to walk, actually stumbled as we were reaching the top of a flight of steps on a flyover crossing the highway. She fell to the ground with a thud, really jarring her back and possibly breaking a finger. It did nto stop her from working with the kids today though!

We must say again that this is such a joy - these children are extra special. Today was about Daniel and how he prayed and God answered. The kids acted out the story of Daniel in the Lion's Den. Becki just told me that one little Hindu girl told her how much she loved chapel to day. We are praying especially for her as she does not yet trust "Jesus only" (if you don't understand that, ask someone...) They are really getting good at singing the All Around the World song! Even the treachers were saying how that song has stuck in their heads now!

Thanks for praying -tomorrow is harvest day! The other speaker that is here for teens had 13 middle school students give their hearts to Christ today! Pray for us as we stand before these precious little ones for one more day.

Thanks again for the prayers and love -and support - this whole experience is something that I am REALLY blessed to be able to share WITH my wife. Thank you to everyone who helped make this possible!

We love you
Ray & Becki

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Globe Trotting Kids!

It was incredible to day to listen to some of these children talk about all the places they have been to. They talk so matter of a fact about traveling to various countries, just as if we were talking about various stores on a shopping outing! I cannot get over the absolutely amazing potential that exists in this one school! We had a great time today going over a retelling of the story of David and Goliath, with some of my special illlustrations along the way - I dropped a bowling ball from several feet in the air, accidentally broke a broom stick being used as a spear...had a great time with kids comparing the small stone and the bowling ball while deciding which would do more damage...

You know --- just all the "normal" kid stuff!

More later - gotta jet!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Amazign Frist Day at school!!

Whew!! I was nervous as speaking to young children is not my normal gig - but God was quite faithful and really helped me - even through technology glitches and personal jitters! The children were FAN-TAS-TIC! It was quite a privilege to stand before such a group of precious young hearts form all over the world - most from this region but even a few from the US and a girl from the Netherlands! To look into their eyes and imagine what God could do through each one is more than I can imagine!!

Please continue praying as we have only begun our week...from the chapels and the time in two of the classes today - it promises to be an actino packed - and very spiritually profitable week!!

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Church Service

Wow!~~~ That's a good word to describe the service at the Barker Road United Methodist Church this morning! The worship was soooo very good and the sermon and the incredible emphasis on missions was invigorating! They are part way through a month long emphasis on missions -highlighting a different country that they are involved with each week. How challenging it was to hear all that they are doing to reach out throughout this area of the world.

It was such a blessing to worship with people of similar hearts whom we have never met yet share the same passions. It was just one more reminder that our God is truly an Awesome God!

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Amazing City!!!

Amazing city...we did a bit of exploring yesterday and learned a lot about the city. Incredible that 5 million people live in this island that is only 28 miles across...mass transit, no litter, very little crime, of any kind...and more languages than you can grasp and you are completely surrounded by them - yet nearly everyone speaks some English as well...very cool, very cool...

What a place to be sent to. I am getting eager to see a harvest here! Pray for that to happen! The school has set up a 24 hour prayer chain that begins today and teachers, parents and students are all participating. I borowed a bowling ball from a Muslim man to use for an illustration at school. Pray for he and his family to learn more about our Savior!

Wow! I am so excited to see what God has in store for this week... we leave for church in a few minutes, gotta go!

Friday, September 7, 2007

Weary in HongKong

We left this morning from Ohio and it is afternoon now and we are in Hong Kong - somehow...though we have managed to make a 1 1/2 hour flight to Chicago and a 14 1/2 hour flight to Hong Kong! Yeesh - we are tired!!

Singapore is just a few hours more then the taxi ride then bed - hopefully!

Keep us in prayer over this next week - it promises to be very busy and we are praying for and anticipating great answers from our God! The students at the school have started a 24 hour prayer chain for this coming week.

Blessings to you all

Really tired Ray & Becki

Monday, September 3, 2007

Welcome to Columbus !!!

There were four unique welcomes as we moved back to Columbus, Ohio.

1) The friends who came to help unload the truck...HUGE THANK YOU!! to Brian Swauger, Sally White and Carl Neu. Carl drove the truck out to Ohio for us. Then he stayed for a few days and he and Sally helped us work through the first few days of fixing many items that needed, lights, really messy garage, etc...You two deserve extra blessings because of going way beyond the call of duty!!

2) The bills that were waiting for us in the mailbox the very first day we arrived! How do they do that ??!! When I checked the mail and told what I found there, Brian said..."Welcome home!"

3) The many friends that warmly greeted us at church. That was a great joy to us. Many were surpised that we were actually here to stay for awhile before heading to Belize. Over the last four years, I have only been able to make about 3 quick stop in visits so many were pleasantly surprised that we will be able to make time to visit and catch up this time.

4) The fourth was not so welcome but on the side of town that we live on - this kind of thing does happen, sometime Saturday night, someone smashed the rear passenger side window of my truck. Looks like a crowbar was the culprit's tool of choice. Nothing was taken, thankfully. I was not the only vicitm either as a number of cars were targetted down the alley where we live. This was disturbing to our sense of welcome and security and put a brief damper on our day.

All in all though, the move has been really good. We have gotten a LOT accomplished with Sally and Carl helping. We are already making our mark on our side of the the duplex and should have it nice and comfy cozy soon.

Of course, before we get a chance to finish, we will leave for Singapore! So, we will have to catch up on more unpacking later in September.

A SUPER HEART FELT THANK YOU to everyone who made our farewell from Cape May so fabulous!!! We felt so loved and appreciated and seriously cherish all the cards! We read them over the next few days a little at a time and hope to find a nice book or something to keep them in. They are precious to us because they are your sentiments, your words and your hearts - being freely shared with us - we never really knew just how much we had impacted so many, until we read it over and over and over again. Wow!

The Bible says, "You are our letter, written on tablets of human hearts..." This has never seemed so true! Thank you seems so inadequate but we truly do "Thank you!" from the depths of our hearts!!

We love you!!

Ray & Becki

Monday, August 27, 2007

3,2,1...a Moving Experience

That's how it feels these days as we are busily packing, trying to organize a litle bit in the process and sorting out what do we get rid of now, what do we get rid of in Columbus and what little bit do we think we will be able to keep when its time to go to Belize!

I know we are making progress but at times I look around and think - Are we going backwards?! Like today when I could barely get through the porch to get to the apartment...hmmm...where did all this 'stuff' come from?!

Moving is one of those moving experiences...

Take that for all its worth. We are finding that the constant moving of stuff into boxes is a challenge because then where in our apt. do we put the boxes? So we move them out to the porch or over to Erma Camp or anywhere...just not in the way, wherever that is! (Where is that Becki?!)

And - we are finding another very moving experience even tougher....that is saying goodbyes to such dear friends. I think that in one way, we have been so busy that it wasn't really hitting us but as this week presses in on us - we know that it will all be over far too soon. As several have called asking for a time to get together, it is so difficult to say that we are out of time! You just don't even know how hard that is! Thank you for understanding.

Huge THANK YOUs to everyone who has called, stopped by, had us over, taken us out, given us cards, and hugs and lots and lots of love and incredibly nice words!! (Gee, maybe we should have done this sooner! Just kidding!)

Please know that as we leave, it is only in body...part of our hearts will be left here with many of mean so much to us now that we have traveled the same roads together.

AND...since we have 'sand in our toes' -We WILL BE BACK!!!

Love you all,

Ray & Becki

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Hurricane Dean / Belize Damage Update

2 emails follow, the first is from a pastor friend in Florida whose parents are missionaries serving in Belize. the second is from the DS in Belize.

I heard from Dad and mom today, as well as Felize Cocul. In southern Belize there doesn't seem to be too much damage. Advance Training Center faired well, with one tree down on one of the dorms. Dad and mom's property all faired well no damage at all. I haven't yet been able to get any reports out of northern Belize, yet, but would expect some significant damage in that area. We have a couple of existing churches up north and some new mission churches up that way. I will let you know what I find out as soon as possible.

The hurricane nearly 6 years ago was a real open door to ministry in the south, we are anticipating that this will serve to advance the Gospel. We are planning some relief efforts that we can use to minister to people in Jamaica and Northern Belize. We have some details out of Jamaica where several Nazarene families and one church have lost roof. As well, many homes surrounding the churches have lost roofs in Jamaica. We are putting together plans to begin to help minister in these areas. Please pray with us.

I would also ask that you pray for dad, Tom Pound, because as he was taking down plywood from the house today it dropped and knocked the ladder out from under him. He was able to grab ahold of the window sill, but then dropped about 15 feet from the second floor. I just got off of the phone with mom who said that he is in pain, but they do not think anything is broken. Your prayers are requested on their behalf.


Darin Pound
Pastor in Florida, very instrumental in the work in Belize


Thanks for your prayers.
I thank God for sparing us from this hurricane but the northern part of the country was very much affected.

I must say that on a whole Belize was affected because there was much loss of the agriculture sector.

Many of our church brethren lost their crops and fruit trees and received much water damages to their belongings.

Churches in the north that lost their roofing are:- Altamira, Corozal English and New Jerusalem (Sunday School building).

The Pastor for the New Jerusalem lost the roofing to his house.

Thank God there were no fatalities, He did spared us.
Please keep praying for us.

Rev. Tzib
DS in Belize

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Solomon Islands

Our team of eight just returned from a mission trip to the Solomon Islands. Our task while there was to help complete the building of the first of four school buildings for the Zion Christian Academy. We were helped by some wonderful men both from Honiara and from Malaita. By the time we left, the building was about 90% completed, which made the 350 students (who are currently meeting in a church) very happy!

We were sure glad that it was winter in the Solomons. Every day was near 90 degrees and VERY humid. Being in Cape May, we thought we were used to humidity but they had a whole 'nother level of it there! We prayed each day for clouds but no rain in order to help us work better in the heat and humidity. Day after day God answered those prayers. The missionaries said it was never like this...never that cool, never so cloudy without raining, never went that long without rain. Very faithfully, once we had finished the conrete floor, it did rain. This was welcome, both for curing the concrete and for refilling the very low water supply at the missionaries house.

The people of the Solomon Islands impressed us with their humility. Yet when it came to their faith, they spoke with conviction and strong faith. We were impressed with their worship at church. With only 2 guitars, very badly out of tune, and a few quiet voices, the worship would rise to impressive levels as their wonderful voices and joyful hearts filled what we usually cover with extra musical instruments and turning up the sound more.

Not to mention that church was a full 2 hours and no one left when it was over! They stay and talk and visit --- and have more Bible studies and prayer!

We saw the value of relationships firsthand and have been thoroughly challenged about not giving up too easily.

Our trip, in so many ways, reminded us that God is God everywhere ---
and that His Word, the Bible applies to all peoples.

We went to be a blessing and we were --- but we were also very blessed by those we came to know and love in the Solomon Islands.

Because of Jesus,

Friday, July 27, 2007

Neu's News Inaugural Issue


Big changes are ahead and we want to share them with you. We have been serving at Seashore Community Church for the past 4 years but will be transitioning from the beauty of Cape May beach to the jungles of Belize!!

What brings on such a drastic change? Need.

In February, I went back to Belize after several years of traveling to other countries. What I found was encouraging and challenging. Encouraging because there is a revival among the Mayan and Ketchie Indians across Belize. New churches are being planted and new pastors are being raised up.

I was asked to consider going to Belize as a fulltime missionary to train pastors and help them earn their credentials towards ordination. This is a huge task. The vision of those spearheading the work there is to see 80 more churches added in Belize alone and 1000 across the Caribbean. (I said "Yes!" by the way...)

I will be sharing a great deal more about the vision and our part in it in upcoming days. The Lord has already answered HUGE prayers on several levels so we will be certain to share those and give God the glory!

For now, just know that we have loved serving in Cape May. The people here have been wonderful to us. We trust that we have been a blessing to you as well. We will remain in Cape May until the end of August, at which point we will most likely return to Columbus, Ohio to make further preparations before moving to Belize sometime in the next year.

Blessings to you!

Because of Jesus,

Ray & Becki