Thursday, August 14, 2008

Village Bible School

Brittany and Rachel, Eva & Omega, from Silk Grass, along with Elisa from Pomona, all did a great job corralling an ever growing number of children that came to VBS in Hope Creek. The location was in newly closed bar which we successfully reclaimed for the Kingdom!

Tuesday started our effort with 88 kids
    Wednesday it grew to 107 excited children
         Thursday we managed to handle the swelling crowd of 135 rambunctious little  
               ones while about 15 adults watched from the wings.


The day had a strange turn of events as a Police vehicle came by during VBS. A woman was let out, who spoke briefly to her children, then was taken, along with her husband, to jail for an unknown length of time. She was allowed to inform her children that there would be no one at home when they finished VBS. These 3 beautiful little boys did not deserve to receive such harsh news. The oldest is maybe 10 yrs old.

The reason they are suddenly parentless is that mom and dad had 3 lbs of marijuana in their home. Such a small amount of hopeful quick cash to demand such a high price - especially in light of their heartbroken children.

We took them to a nearby village to be delivered to the home of an aunt. She agreed to take them for the moment but also stated that she did not know what to do with them. 

To me, this is one more reminder of how desperately Hope Creek Village needs the HOPE of JESUS!


Rob said...

that is so exciting and so heart-breaking all at the same time! I'm glad you guys are there! I wish we were!

Did you guys get your truck and stuff yet?

Any scorpions trying to get a shower lately?

We've been Storying and it's going awesome!

Ray and Becki said...


You're right on... on all accounts. We need your help down here brother! Bring more teens, bring more people who will dump loads and loads of Jesus' love on others!

I need help teaching leadership here too brother!
