Saturday, August 2, 2008


Even though it was a last minute crisis for the previously scheduled teacher…
Even though it seemed ‘coincidental’ that I happened to stop at the church of the education coordinator…
Even though he had my phone number recorded wrong so that none of his messages were getting through to me…
Even though I did not have free time on my hands as I was at a conference, trying to learn something myself…
Even though my wife was FINALLY being freed up to come to Belize and this would be my first time to see her in 6 weeks…!
Even though we had only a night at Advance to dump our stuff, repack and leave again…
Even though Rachel has ‘no clue’ where she is sleeping or what is going on…
Even though we would have liked to work on settling in and attempting to “get our house in order”…
Even though we did not have all the plans together yet for feeding the pastors, etc…
Even though we did not have sheets enough for ourselves even…
Even though we did not know how many would attend…
Even though there was no gas for the stove when we arrived…
Even though food had to be purchased right then…
Even though I was still trying to prepare the lessons while traveling…
Even though the printer at camp ran out of ink…
(and was manually refilled repeatedly!)
Even though we ran out of copy paper and switched to notebook paper…
Even though there were many unanswered questions…

God was faithful and we had a wonderful class!

“Thank yous” to Darin, Jafet, Agapito, Sabastian, the ladies who came last minute to cook and I’m sure others whose help I did not immediately see…

The pastors were a bit discouraged early on as we were late in arriving. They have gathered there before only to sit all day when no one ever shows, so they were beginning to wonder. Once that was talked out and explained, we were on our way. Their hunger to learn was evident as they asked questions, stayed up at night studying and were typically sitting at their tables doing homework long before I began to teach each day.

There still are challenges involved as so many need to still go to work (some were hindered from returning because of the threat of the loss of their jobs). Many others leave their farms unattended while they come to class, so they will have extra work to do later. Others have so far to travel, whether by bus, or walking, or hoping to catch a ride, just to come to class or to return for Wednesday night services. It is humbling to see one of our pastors here, a 62 year old man, faithfully riding his bike several miles over rough roads to go serve at the church he has planted over the last year’s time. His stamina and perseverance are incredible. Pray for him as he works so diligently for the Lord!

Thank you for your prayers in supporting this effort. Many in Belize will be blessed as we serve them through training their leaders.

P.S. Pray for our travels - and continued ministry efforts as right now we are a bit stranded down South - we headed home yesterday and after 2 1/2 hours, had to turn back when we saw that the temporary bridge was washed out by the 2 days of rain. And we had another full night of rain all last night which will hinder getting the bridge fixed --- again!

Is life here boring...?! Nah! How 'bout you?!

Ray & Becki & Rachel

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