Wednesday, August 27, 2008

One Month Later....

....and I STILL can't believe that a month has gone by.  It's weird that just this morning I was realizing how I remember things by the week now as opposed to day by day.

4 weeks ago, we arrived in BZ.
3 weeks ago, our friend Homer was here.
2 weeks ago, Brittany was here still with us.
1 week ago, we finally got our 'stuff' out of customs.
This week, Ray has been gone since early Saturday morning teaching.

So standing at the sink tonight doing dishes,  things just slowed to a stop in my mind and EVERYTHING felt so surreal.  The things I do as a routine now...fill the water bottles for the freezer and move the already frozen bottles to the fridge to keep things cold.  (only the freezer works)

Gathering up food to go across to the dining hall to fix lunch or dinner.  And ALWAYS, without fail, forgetting one little ingredient!

Ever so carefully pulling the dish cloth off of the towel rack to make sure there are no scorpions in it.  And doing the same, careful thing with the shower curtain each night.

Going outside to hang out the laundry and always stopping to put bug repellent on my legs first.

Always remembering to blow up the air mattresses before trying to sleep on a too soft bed....AND making sure not to make Ray's too hard, because he likes it 'too soft'!

It's a bit surprising to realize what creatures of habit we are and how easy it is to make new habits when the situation requires it.  Call it change in routine, call it adapting to unusual circumstances, call it WHATEVER!!!  Ya just better enjoy doing it or you are in a heap of unhappiness!!

For me, it's all good.  I like the new challenges....well, I like trying to find an easier way to do it instead of the way it's usually done.  For those who know me well, this is no surprise!!  One thing I have found out in a trial and error situation is that there are NO shortcuts to making tortillas.  And Rachel LOVES her tortillas.  Me, I can take or leave them, but Rachel loves her PBJ's on a tortilla and her chicken on a tortilla and pasta with her tortillas.   I'm looking to hire a tortilla maker.   

Other than tortillas, I am in love with Belize.  Hot?  Sure it's hot.  But sweating is supposed to be a good thing, right?  I was painting in the new house today and sweat was pouring down into my eyes, soaking my shirt, my pants, my hair, my sweatband...and all I could think of was how much I love the people here, the birds we get to see.....4 days ago we saw 8 toucans in one tree, all in a little group together... awesome!!!  And the jungle and the mountains are amazingly beautiful.

Ray and I (and Rachel, wether she believes it or not) are just simply blessed to be here. We know it's going to be a bit difficult at times and I'm not real keen on Ray being gone so many nights a month, but it is the job and every single job on earth comes with some personal sacrifice every now and then.  But with our job, the Kingdom just seems a little bit closer... every time a pastor comes to class and is excited to be one step closer to ordination... every time a sister shakes your hand in church and says
'God Bless'... every time someone writes to us to tell us they are praying for us... everyday.  Does it get any better than this??  I think not.  

God Bless,  Becki

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