God is nice, much more than nice in fact. Yesterday I was lead to read Luke 6:27-36, you know, the "Love your enemies" part.
Which is why today, for the 2nd day of struggling with this, I am feeling a little bit of "God's not nice." The main reason is that we are still waiting, asking, complying, praying, hoping, waiting, calling, emailing, delivering, returning, waiting...for Customs here to release our truck and belongings, hopefully not in exchange for lots of cash. That last part seems less and less likely all the time. They say you can't beat the system - I'm starting to believe it.
Enter God's Word - messes with my whole perception.
Thoughts like: 'Give to everyone who asks of you'...
'If they take your cloak, give them your tunic as well...'
'If they take from you, do not demand it back...'
'Do good to those who hate you...'
'Bless those who curse you...'
'Pray for those who mistreat you...'
Really God - what do get for this?
Why should we even allow ourselves to be taken advantage of?!
Not surprisingly, the answer to my rants is right there in the passage:
1) my reward will be great
2) I will be a son of the MOST HGH
Permit me to indulge in a not so imaginary conversation with God for a moment:
Ray: "So, getting ripped off, taken advantage of, cheated, stolen from, etc - is a good thing?!"
GOD: "Yeah, that's pretty much it."
Ray: "Doesn't make lots of sense on this end."
GOD: "Makes perfect sense on MY end."
Ray: "But God, I live on this end of things. This sounds tough!"
GOD: "I never said life would be easy."
Ray: "People are going to take advantage of me."
GOD: "Yes."
Ray: "I'm going to lose things that I value."
GOD: "Yes."
Weeping can be heard...
GOD: "Why are you weeping?"
Ray: "Because I realize how silly that sounds. I shouldn't value things..."
GOD: "You're starting to get My point."
Ray: "I know that You value the people, even if they are wicked, stealing, cheating, lying, doing wrong to one of Your born again children."
GOD: "Yes, I do."
Ray: "I'm sorry God, this is going to be tough sometimes."
GOD: "I'm sure it will take a little practice."
Ray: "Your Word says "Do good to them..., bless them and pray for them."
"I think I will need some help in knowing how to pray for them."
GOD: I'll help you with that."
Ray: "I'm not sure that I will feel great about a future reward when I am being mistreated here."
GOD: "My Son did not feel good about it either."
Ray: (weeping much more) "God, I DO want to be known to others as Your son too, to be seen as one who carries Your Spirit in me!"
GOD: "You are. Just stay on the path you are on."
Luke 6:35-36 "...Then your reward will be great and you will be sons of the Most High, because He is kind to the ungrateful and the wicked. Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful."
You hit right where I am living. I do not want to think about these commands; it is easier to be angry, mad, and want bad things to happen to those who get in my way.
I hope that I have not lost the desire to please Father. I hope that my soul has not died. There are days that I just want my way and for things to feel good and to be easy. I blame Him for all kinds of stuff that more reflects me than Him.
Wow and I do not have the struggles of being in a new country and having to adapt to the culture and customs as you do.
I do appreciate you sharing your journey.
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