Friday, July 11, 2008

Harvest Time for the Children !

The volunteers I mentioned the other day have been faithfully ministering all week - and are exhausted! Last night they stayed up nearly all night making preparations - one mother of 2 slept just 3 hours and her mother...did not sleep at all!

The morning site was packed with 240 children and the afternoon site was filled with nearly 100 excited little souls. God rewarded their diligence this morning as 18 older children came forward and gave their lives to Christ. I was not able to stay to see the harvest at the second site but God is surely stirring amidst these young hearts.

Continue to pray for the Ayalas as they minister. They minister every Sunday afternoon in an open lot to 35 children that responded to the call of Christ at last year's VBS.

Glory a Dios!


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