This heart for others and for the Lord led him to make a plan to open this new church start. He worked hard to invite others, clear the lot in front of his very simple, little house, arranged for a set up the small tent we used for shade and paid from his own pocket to rent chairs, provide food and even help pay for transportation to bring others from a village farther away so they could be there to offer their support.
In light of all that he did, it was sort of fitting that I preached from the story of the woman in Luke 7 - who brought an alabaster jar of perfume, wept on Jesus feet, dried them with her hair, and poured the expensive gift on His feet. Dionicio did all of this over the past couple of weeks.
His lavish gift to help start this church does NOT come from deep pockets - nor does it come from a high paying job - it comes from a certain low level of income but a deep level of love and commitment.
More than 110 people attended this morning. Many were so happy to see a church in their neighborhood. We were blessed far beyond the heat, the brief rain (which make it even more humid after it passes), and the bugs - by the smiles on the faces all around us. Their songs, the children who were dedicated and the many kind words shared after the service, during the fellowship meal, were of great encouragement.
PRAY for this new start church
PRAY for a pastor to be provided
PRAY for the pastor who is asking his church to allow him to go preach there in the afternoons
PRAY for the people of the community
PRAY for salvations to be abundant
and PRAY that LORD'S BANK will become a true repository of God's abundant grace and love and forgiveness to all who need it.
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