Question: What do you get for missionaries who can’t take much with them?!
Answer: Small things!! (like cash!!)
** Yes, the universal gift always works. Just so you know, when we do receive gifts like this, we like to put it straight into our missions account. It is our desire to always be building that up because that is where we draw from to pay for plane tickets for our missions work.
** Another idea is AIR MILES – from any airline. This is helping us with our trip to the Philippines and could help with future trips as well. So if you have miles that may expire before you can use them – or you just want to give some of your away, we can make good use of them!
** The other thing you may want to consider is to help provide some DVD’s as we will NOT have television available in Belize. So, we will rely on dvds for occasional entertainment for ourselves, but even more importantly, we want to collect certain dvd titles to use to minister to the villages. We do intend to have a traveling projector and dvd player to be able to show these in churches. (hint, hint)
I am listing some dvds from the recent VISION VIDEO catalog. You can see these and order them at or by calling 1-800-523-0226. If you don’t have our mailing address - email or call us –we’ll give it to you, just didn’t want to publish everything on the web…
Here’s some ideas for our Christmas Wish List that will be helpful in Belize: I have included the Item numbers to make it easier.
The Visual Bible (we have Matthew but could use Acts - #0339D and John #100025D)
Amazing Grace # 49305D
Stretch and Pray # 98461D
Sandfloor Cathedral # 501175D
Celtic Hymns #501209D
To God be the Glory # 501210D
Affectionately Yours, Screwtape # 501167D
More Than Dreams, # 501117D
Mother Teresa, #24558D
End of the Spear, # 24570D
Francis of Assisi, # 24837D
The Mission, #3497D
Most of these are $20-$25 - OR – if you have any of these in DVD and would want to send them to us –we will be happy to receive your used copies!
Also, if you have other suggestions of videos you have seen that would be good for teaching – or, some just for fun, those would be happily accepted as well!