Our team of eight just returned from a mission trip to the Solomon Islands. Our task while there was to help complete the building of the first of four school buildings for the Zion Christian Academy. We were helped by some wonderful men both from Honiara and from Malaita. By the time we left, the building was about 90% completed, which made the 350 students (who are currently meeting in a church) very happy!
We were sure glad that it was winter in the Solomons. Every day was near 90 degrees and VERY humid. Being in Cape May, we thought we were used to humidity but they had a whole 'nother level of it there! We prayed each day for clouds but no rain in order to help us work better i
n the heat and humidity. Day after day God answered those prayers. The missionaries said it was never like this...never that cool, never so cloudy without raining, never went that long without rain. Very faithfully, once we had finished the conrete floor, it did rain. This was welcome, both for curing the concrete and for refilling the very low water supply at the missionaries house.
We were sure glad that it was winter in the Solomons. Every day was near 90 degrees and VERY humid. Being in Cape May, we thought we were used to humidity but they had a whole 'nother level of it there! We prayed each day for clouds but no rain in order to help us work better i

The people of the Solomon Islands impressed us with their humility. Yet when it came to their faith, they spoke with conviction and strong faith. We were impressed with their worship at church. With only 2 guitars, very badly out of tune, and a few quiet voices, the worship would rise to impressive levels as their wonderful voices and joyful hearts filled what we usually cover with extra musical instruments and turning up the sound more.
Not to mention that church was a full 2 hours and no one left when it was over! They stay and talk and visit --- and have more Bible studies and prayer!
We saw the value of relationships firsthand and have been thoroughly challenged about not giving up too easily.
Our trip, in so many ways, reminded us that God is God everywhere ---
and that His Word, the Bible applies to all peoples.
We went to be a blessing and we were --- but we were also very blessed by those we came to know and love in the Solomon Islands.
Because of Jesus,
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