- or maybe it does. With very little free time over 3 weeks of traveling, it left me only one week to ‘get ready’ and that too was stymied by the lack of hearing excessive Christmas music (that can be a blessing!), the tight restrictions on our budget this year and especially, the places I had been and the people I had been with. Going from the Philippines to Nashville to Belize really put me through a sort of economic wringer. The poor of the 2 countries I visited and the posh decorations of the Opryland hotel (I did not stay there!) are a stark contrast to each other.
The last week I was traveling in Belize, among the Indian people. I saw 2 Christmas trees. 1 in a church that was being dedicated, so it was extra decorated and 1 in the home of an American living in Belize. I did not hear lots of talk about what people were getting each other and the anticipated hardships of paying off those credit cards. When you don’t have them, you don’t use them…and the Indians don’t have them.
What a blessing.
I can’t complain, Becki and I and David and Rachel (2 of our 4 grandkids) are spending the holidays in Gatlinburg, TN. It may not be the complete lap of luxury but it is at least sitting on the knee somewhere. It’s nice. Being together is nicer. We are in a very small room, all 4 of us. We fold out and fold up the kids sofa each day so they can sleep and so we can have more room to move about. We walk around town seeing the sights and marveling each night as Becki somehow manages to make amazing meals with nothing more than a microwave and an electric skillet and 2 feet of counter space.
There’s no tree here in our room – no room for one. But there’s nothing missing from our celebration. We found a great church to worship in and as Rachel said in her handmade cards to each of us –“You do not need Christmas, all you need is God and your family.”
Kudos Rachel. Perhaps that was well reflected in the popcorn Becki and Rachel strung on Christmas eve and hung on an evergreen tree outside on Christmas morning. Perhaps that was well reflected in the 5 hour long Monopoly game we played Christmas day, while talking to loved ones on the phone. Perhaps that also is reflected in that all we really want – is to be in contact with those we love.

Thanks for all the texts, calls and emails – technology does help!
For those who are fans of the “Life is Good” t-shirts, I wanted to share my Christmas present with you. It is so appropriate that Becki said they had to get it for me. It is the one that shows the world with a man walking around it. The title speaks to our hearts as far as missions and God’s will is concerned, it says: No Roaming Charges.
We love where we are in this stage of our life. Understandably, it might not work for everybody but we are finding it a pleasure to see how our God works in all things for those who love Him and are called according to His purposes. We have no job, no income, no insurance, no security and no real retirement to lean on. But what we do have is so much more valuable. We have each other, our love, our family, our faith and the confidence that God is working in us to accomplish what He desires.
May you all be as blessed as we feel.
Love you all…
Ray & Becki
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