Thursday, December 24, 2009

A Blessed Christmas !

Wishing a Blessed Christmas to you all !

May you find Joy & Peace & Salvation

in the best Gift ever given!

Ray & Becki

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Primal - Plan on reading this...!

I'm jealous.

I'm jealous of Mark Batterson.

Now, I should say that I don't know Mark, I've never even met him, yet I am jealous. I have attempted over the last couple of years to get people interested in The Greatest Commandment. I have preached about it, talked about it, tried to model it and especially, I have challenged some to an experiment. I have suggested that they put away their Bible for 30 days and simply read, and apply, each day, to whatever situations come up, the Greatest Commandment: "Love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength."

I did offer that if that is not enough, they could add the second greatest commandment: "Love your neighbor as yourself."

I have had this thought that since Jesus said that ALL of the Law and Prophets hang on these two commandments, then it ought to be enough. This ought to be the ultimate Reader's Digest condensed version of the Holy Scriptures: "Love God with all that is in you."

So here is where my jealousy comes in.

Where I have failed to get even one person to take me up on the 30 day challenge - Mark has written an entire book on it. And it is a really good book. You can find it here, just click the link:

I do want to encourage you to check it out, buy it, borrow it, whatever...( legal!)
BUT - plan from the beginning to not make it your goal to read a good book.

That is a good goal, but would not do justice to the whole point of this book. PLAN on spending time wrestling with well written words, well researched facts and well formed ideas. This is not just another book to read and add to your impressive reading list. It is not just another book to add to your physical or virtual bookshelf (although it does look good). January would be a good time to put this into your plan.

I think when we are all honest enough to slow down and consider where our life is at - we realize that for far too many of us - our faith journey has taken us on a side trip. We may not be sure how, why, where, when, or what happened, but we do know that things now, at this point in our spiritual lives, are not the same as when we first fell in love with God.

Enter Primal.

This is a call to get back to what we once had. A resounding reminder that life is not just running this rat race, but there is a deeper calling.

Mark's challenge is to love to the fourth power. He does an excellent job sharing in each category both from things he has researched and learned as well as life experiences. Nothing here is out of reach. I think that is part of what makes it so compelling. Too many stories are so fantastic - and I mean that in the 'I could never reach, repeat, accomplish the unbelievable things this author is talking about' sense. Primal connects with multiplied examples that are fantastic, yes, but in a way that shows how simple obedience from average people can truly make changes that make start small but become fantastic!

I have been tempted to sprinkle this review with some of the many gems I discovered while reading Primal. I decided not to do that though, that would remove some of the joy of your own sense of wonderment. So, go get Primal and rediscover the Lost Soul of Christianity.

I will leave you with this as an appetizer:
The heart of Christianity is primal compassion.
The soul of Christianity is primal wonder.
The mind of Christianity is primal curiosity.
The strength of Christianity is primal energy.

I pray that Mark's book will be much much more successful than my meager efforts and that it will bear much fruit for the Kingdom!


Saturday, December 12, 2009

Want $100.00 ?!

Charles suggested an interesting choice...

His question was, "Which would you take, $100.00 or a spiritual gift?"

His answer to his own question was, "If you ask that question to people here in Belize, they will take the $100.00 every time. They don't want the spiritual gift!"
I do not know about the scientific validity of his being able to prove his theory but I do believe that he is much closer to being right than he is to being wrong. It makes me think...what would people choose? Sort of makes me wish I had a stack of 100 dollar bills so that I could go out on the street and ask people this question.

I would expect to come away with a much, much smaller stack of 100 dollar bills. I suppose we would say that that is human nature. 

What intrigues me is the idea that some people might choose the spiritual gift...! I'd like to meet those people, get to know them and find out what makes them tick. I'd like to be friends with those people, go to church with those people, work along side those people and generally make those people the ones I would hang with.

I think those people could....would....change the world!

I would also like to be able to know absolutely for certain that when I asked the proposed question and they thoughtfully replied, "I choose the spiritual gift.", that I could pray right then and there and God would honor that prayer by the Spirit's immediate imparting of His chosen spiritual gift to each person. That is not such a strange thing after all. Paul says we should desire the spiritual gifts (1 Corinthians 12:31 ) He also says in Romans 1 that he longs to see them so that he can impart some spiritual gift to them. (Romans 1:11)

I love that.    Real.    Spiritual.     Simple.     I love that.

Something about that just rings true in me. Does it in you?

Is there some longing to be able to offer to pray and impart some spiritual gift to others? 

Is there some longing to see others living in the fullness of what the Spirit would want to give to them?

Is there a longing to put the petal to the metal in this 'money vs spirit' test to see what the outcome would be?

Do you think it would be worth it to give away hundreds of hundred dollar order to find the few honestly spiritually hungry people out there? 

Fascinating idea. I am sure that by now, some of you are wondering when and where I might do this so that you could be in the area...perhaps to collect 100 dollars....but maybe, just maybe some of you would want to be in the area, in order to receive some spiritual gift.

If that is you, please write to me - I have something in mind...let's just say, it's a spiritual experiment!!    You game??!!

Stirring the pot...


Monday, November 30, 2009

Our Friend Stephen

Our Friend Stephen...what a really nice guy! Really, he was the first 'friend' that I made in the town of Dangriga. The first time I met him was outside the 'Price is Right' chinese grocery store. The store is next to the canal flowing out to the ocean. Parking for the store is right in front of the canal. This is where Stephen spent the majority of his day.

It's funny, I clearly remember him telling me his full name when we met, but all I could remember was the name Stephen. He said that it was his 'Christian' name and that his friends called him Stephen. So we were to call him Stephen. He considered us his friend.

I made a point of asking him what his beliefs were...did he believe in God. Oh yes, he believed in God. He was Catholic growing up, but now he considered himself 'Rasta'. I didn't know then and I barely know now exactly what that meant. We did agree that you needed to have God in your life; that knowing God was what was really important.

I saw him about once a week, sometimes more. I always took the time to chat with him about his work, his health, and how his spiritual life was...was he listening to God.
Once he asked for some medicine and a band-aid...he had a NASTY cut on the bottom of his foot that should have had a few stitches and he, for the most part, walked barefoot. I went right back in the store and bought him some neosporin cream and some bandaids. I told him to keep it clean as he could and every night he needed to wash it, put on the medicine and a bandaid.
It healed after a time .... I don't know how, really. God had to be in it.

Other times we would help him with bottles of water, money for rent, lunch or whatever. We had a friend in Stephen and we were willing to love on him and invest in him. The one time that he finally agreed to come to our church, which was very close to where he worked, he ditched us. I guess it just wasn't to be on that day. Next time I saw him I told him that it was okay, maybe another time.

For a few weeks in October, we weren't seeing Stephen. Our 1st thoughts were that he just wasn't working that day that we were in town. We didn't make it into town very many times for several weeks. Then I came back to Ohio, intending to be here for 3 weeks but staying for 7 1/2 weeks!!

Then the news came in an e-mail. Stephen had died. I was simply shattered... unbelievable...

As I read the e-mail I did learn that our friend, Darin knew Stephen also. But knew him as 'Sutherland', Stephens last name. He, too, had invited him to church once and he went!!! Yippee! And even better, found out that he was at the hospital during his brief illness and went to see him and PRAY WITH HIM! Even tho I cried for the loss of Stephen, I was comforted to know that Stephen had prayed to have Jesus as his Lord and Savior.

I will see Stephen or Rodwell Sutherland as he was known to his family, in Heaven. His teeth won't be horribly rotten, his liver will function perfectly and his hair, well, it may still be in dreadlocks pulled back in a pony tail... but he will be my friend.

Stephen was 29 years old. Please pray for his parents, brother Clive and his sisters as they will daily face the loss of their son and brother.

Blessings to you who are reading too, are a friend! Becki

Friday, November 20, 2009

How Hard is it to Help?

You know, sometimes we take things for granted. Especially if we are "up front" people. If we are used to being in front of people, speaking, singing, or doing whatever it is that we do, we may forget that we cannot do what we do without others "behind the scenes" doing what they do.

Why is this on my mind? Because this week I switched roles. We had 2 visiting teachers come to Belize to train the pastors here. The first taught a class on worship, something I could not have done - and he did great. The second taught from many years of experience in 6 different come back churches - and he did great. I could not have done that either. And, on top of bringing their experience and expertise and willingness, they taught very intensive courses. Each finished an entire course in 2 very long days!

They were tired.
The pastor/students were tired.
And in the background, running around working on details, I was tired. I did not do intensely difficult work. I made sure things were ready on time. I helped with techie stuff, made copies, stapled, graded papers, developed spread sheets and took care of little items like missing pens and the rollbook.

Then why oh why, I am SO tired after only 4 days of that?!

I think 2 reasons stand out.

1) This is not what I normally do, so it was, in some ways, more stressful to me.
2) This also pointed out quite clearly to me that there is A LOT of work that goes on behind the scenes...!

On day one, I started early and finished late.
On day two, I started early and finished late.
On day three, I ....well, I think you get the idea.
By day four, I had trouble starting, but still had to be going very early.

This week has reminded me that all of us who do our "up front" thing
owe a huge debt to those who do the behind the scenes thing!

It is their gift of service that makes things work for us - and for all who benefit from their efforts.

The up front person is blessed, the hearers or audience or congregation is blessed. And I believe that when things go well, the behind the scenes person is blessed too because their special gift puts joy in their own hearts when they see everyone else accomplishing what they need to do or enjoying themselves.

So....let me say a very heartfelt "Thank you!" to all those who help make everyone else look good by their behind the scenes service.

And, if you all don't mind, let me be sure to express this, with you all as witnesses to my wife, Becki, my own behind the scenes worker. Honey I could not do a great deal of what I do without you doing all that you do.
"Thank you!"
( and I love you!)



Tuesday, October 20, 2009

"If I can't ......I'd rather die!"

Think about it. What in this world would possibly drive you to make such a statement?

Fill in the blank space of course and then try it on for size.
"If I can't ......I'd rather die!"

What might fill in the blank space? Thinking about it for a few moments and thinking about some of the things that drive our lives, I wrote a few possibilities. Yours might be listed here or be totally different. Some are slightly humorous, others more serious.

"If I can't lose weight, I'd rather die!"

"If I can't see my kids again, I'd rather die!"

"If I can't get out of this mess, I'd rather die!"

"If I can't get a decent meal, I'd rather die!"

"If I can't figure out these taxes, I'd rather die!"

"If I can't see the Buckeyes (or your team) win, I'd rather die!"

"If I can't find a job, I'd rather die!"

"If I can't get this right, I'd rather die!"

"If I can't be with (him/ her) I'd rather die!"

So, what do you think? Interesting to consider.

Today those same words were spoken to me and caught me off guard. They were spoken very sincerely, with just the right amount of emotion. It was not theatrical, not meant to be dramatic at all. Those words accurately expressed the individual's heart.

The man who spoke them is perhaps, unique. He is a Taiwanese national living here in Belize. He has completely given up his former life and become a true sold-out follower of Jesus Christ. His wife left him because of his strong devotion to God. He continues on. He has no means of support. I am not sure how he ever eats, yet to look at his tall thin, wiry frame, it does not appear that eating is that important to him.

When I listen to him speak, in his broken English, one thing is clear. He has a compelling conviction to share God's Word. Anywhere, with anyone. Truly.

He has not been to a Bible school but he know his Bible.

He has a Mandarin - English Bible as well as another Bible he dutifully carries with him. To peer inside it is to glance at the ruminations of someone who has sat at the feet of Jesus.

When he speaks, he shares from his great learning, from his personal study of God's love letter. He has insights that can only be explained as coming from intense personal times before the Lord. I have seen him diligently studying and have heard him carefully seeking to make clear the treasures he has gained.

This kind-hearted, compassionate gentleman told me today,
"If I eat or not, it is okay."
"Where I stay is no problem."

Those were enough to challenge me. His humble acceptance of where life has him right now is an 'in-your-face' indictment to those who believe we must have things to be just this way and that way.

So what did he say to fill in the blank? What could follow those statements in such a powerful way as to still capture my thoughts hours later?

"If I can't do ministry, I'd rather die!"

Simple. Focused. Powerful.

I arranged for him to share at a local Nazarene church. He took my hand and did something else that humbled me. It was one of those things that you wish a grown man would not do, but it clearly expressed the gratitude of his heart for serving God. As this thin Taiwanese man grasped my hand, he knelt down in front of me on both knees and bowed.

I wanted to pull him to his feet. I wanted to tell him that he has no reason to thank me so profoundly. Yet, I could not, because his heart was showing once again.

I remain challenged and about you?


Sunday, October 4, 2009

To the Regions Beyond you...

2 Corinthians 10:15-17

15Neither do we go beyond our limits by boasting of work done by others. Our hope is that, as your faith continues to grow, our area of activity among you will greatly expand, 16so that we can preach the gospel in the regions beyond you. For we do not want to boast about work already done in another man's territory. 17But, "Let him who boasts boast in the Lord."

I want to share a story with you. It is not my story, which is why I first included the passage above. Perhaps a small portion of this is my story as well. I have developed a dear friend here in Belize whose heart is precious due to his heart for the Lord. He and his wife are of one heart in their love and service for the Lord and the people He loves.

Felize means happy - and this man is happy. His happy spirit is welcoming and a blessing to many. Felize is not assigned to a particular church right now. Yet he is not idle. He and his wife Remigia are very busy.

This last month Felize went to San Benito Poite to once again help in the construction of a concrete block building for the church there. It is no easy place to get to. After 5 days there, he and Remigia traveled to a new area. Just going to Graham Creek is a much more difficult journey. They took the bus as far as the road allowed, then walked the 1 1/2 hours to this village where a new Nazarene church is finding its beginnings.

Each day was filled with activity. Each day they taught the basics of what our church is - each day they taught about the Articles of Faith and about prayer. Each day the people of the village gathered for another full day of teaching, their spiritual hunger evident and eager.

Each night was not for relaxing. Even though Felize was hoping to go hunting some night in this remote region, that was not to happen. Each night the people asked for a church service. Each night they gathered to sing and to pray and to listen to more teaching and preaching. They enjoyed the services and the fellowship so much that they met together every day and every night --- for 7 days and 7 nights!

During this time, 5 young people gave their hearts to Christ for the first time.

5 others came back to the Lord, finding once again, the forgiveness that they once had held but had walked away from. God is the restorer.

As I said, this is not my story directly. I did not travel all the way to Graham Creek. I did not teach during the day for 7 days and preach at night for 7 nights. But my friend, whom I have invested in - personally and spiritually - he did. So, as he shared the praises with me, a little part of my heart rejoiced. Rejoiced in the wonderful reports and rejoiced that in some small way, I was a part of Felize and Remigia's faithfulness in going to the "Regions Beyond".

Because of Jesus,

Ray & Becki


A Bible name...that's nice.

Eve is a young lady I recently met. This was one of those times when you wish you could say that it had been under different circumstances. But it was not.

It was not at a funeral, as many times that is when this expression is used.
It was not at the hospital, although it could well have been, and maybe should have been.

In reality, both of those locations would play a role sooner than we imagined.

Eve lay on a small bed in the front room of her brother's house. She is thin...frail actually.

She does not get up when we enter. She does extend her hand from under the covers. We shake hands in a polite greeting.

I squat down next to the bed because I do not want to tower over here while we talk.

There exists in this room and in these moments, a solemn seriousness about meeting Eve.

She is dying.

Eve has AIDS.

There is no talk about how did she contract AIDS or lectures on morality, I never even asked. I did not ask her or the friend who was concerned enough to take me to see her. At this point, it does not matter. Facts are facts...and AIDS kills. Thus, Eve is dying.

She knows it. Her friends knew it. I was just now learning it.

We all talked. No chit chat this day - just straight to the point.

"Eve, do you know the health of your soul?" "Do you know where you will go after this?"

Her eyes pleaded with me, longing to be sure.

I explained the choices. Yes, she had sinned, we all have sinned. And she, like we, all have a choice to make. Would she give her heart and her remaining life to Jesus...or harden herself, embittered against the way her life has turned out?

There is no bitterness. Eve is listening. She is longing for something, some hope. The day before, there was prayer for healing by one of the friends who is with me this day.

This day... well, this day has a different focus. We all want to know for sure that Eve is prepared for eternity. Each of the three of us share from our hearts, urging her to commit to Christ. I share with Eve that the Lord is near. In fact, the Bible says that Jesus is very near, in our hearts, in our mouths, if...

...if she will just believe in her heart that Jesus is Lord and that God raised Jesus from the dead, then she will be saved. Her soul will spend eternity with Jesus.

"Eve, is that your heart's desire?" I ask. She agrees. We pray.

A holy moment in the midst of life's most serious trial.

When we leave, there is quiet rejoicing. Another soul has been secured. There is a bit more peace in the hearts of these friends this night...and in Eve's heart as well.

Fast forward one week. It was Sunday afternoon when we visited. Instead of relaxing or even seeking a Nazarene nap we had gone to see Eve. Now it is Sunday night, the week following. Eve's family is searching for her friends to come back and visit as she is longing to see them again, to have prayer again. But, it is not to be. Phones are not available and the people cannot be located. This is to be Eve's last night on earth.

We receive the news later in the week. She was officially pronounced on Monday and buried Tuesday. There are moments of reflection now. Quiet, internal reflection. Glad to have gone to see Eve. Glad to have listened to the Spirit's nudge. Glad to have prayed with her. In some ways, glad that her suffering here has ended.

Every story does not end this way. Every person does not end this way. Every one of us may not have such an imminent opportunity...

May I encourage you today to listen for those little nudges from the Spirit? Perhaps you may have an appointment with someone on the eve of eternity.


Ray & Becki

Sunday, September 27, 2009

The End of the Rainbow!!!

We found it!! Ha ha!! How exciting!

But first let me tell you the circumstances. Belize gets a lot of rain at different times of the year. This is one of those times. This last week we have had LOTS of rain. Flooded some bridges and rearranged portions of the dirt, gravel, clay, rock, road that we drive to get to our house. In fact, just last night we heard from a worker repairing the area leading up to the bridge that crosses the Mullins river by our house, that crossing the bridge would do us little good because farther up the road, another river has diverted and has gone right through the road.

Such is life here in Belize.

Anyhow, we had gone to Belmopan, the capital city, where one of the pastors' classes is being taught. Rain descended on the galvanized tin roof off and on during the day, briefly interrupting the ability to hear, but such is life here in Belize.

After class we dropped one student at the bus station and then turned towards home. Starting our return journey under sunny skies was nice as we had not seen the sun during the prior week. As we made our way into the Maya Mountains, the weather conditions quickly changed and brought some more rain into our path. Then, as we passed through a small area of rain and were just entering into the village of Armenia, we spotted it - a beautiful rainbow directly in front of us!

We always seem to smile and enjoy these unexpected pleasures. For Christians, the rainbow is that ever continuing promise that God will not destroy the earth by flood again. It is a comforting promise.

Well, this rainbow was a special joy as we have a Nazarene church in this village. We looked to see where the end of the rainbow was headed as it seemed close to the road itself. My first comment was that it was on the opposite side of the road from where the church is located. Then, as if the rainbow heard our comments and was personally responding, the bottom end of the rainbow MOVED.

I am not kidding!

Now, I know it is simply an adjustment of the angle of the shimmering water droplets in relation to out position in viewing them, but....the rainbow moved!

And the end of the rainbow was clearly seen by both Becki and our great astonishment, the end of the rainbow was sparkling away right in front of our eyes - on the hood of our truck!!

Never, have I been so close to a rainbow produced by nature's effects (without my spraying a hose into the air...). It was a fun little pleasure after a long day of teaching. I'm not declaring that there is a promise connected to our truck, but there could be. It has carried us a whole lot of miles here in Belize. I'm also not saying that the proverbial 'pot of gold' is our truck, but it is major blessing to us as the training of pastors presses forward in 3 scattered locations. Nor am I saying that we are the recipients of that 'pot of gold' - but I should perhaps reconsider that...

God has blessed us incredibly.

We are the recipients of so many blessings. Many of you reading this have blessed our lives in numerous ways. Thank you for being used by God in such special 'end of the rainbow' ways! In addition, God has personally added so many, many blessings that we truly cannot count them all.

May you find God's rainbow of blessings in your life this week.

~ Ray & Becki

Thursday, September 3, 2009

BOLD Young Lady!

I recently was asked to speak at a Youth Conference here in Belize. So I did.

I was the speaker for Friday night - the lead-off guy. The whole 2 day event started with me. Not to set any pressure on me or anything but they gathered 50 teens in a room and said, "Okay, they're all yours!"

Not only that, but I learned shortly before arriving that I was slated to do a Bible Story Session - not a regular talk or message. we went.

(If you are not familiar with Bible Story telling - it is avery interactive and dynamic way to teach the Bible - and fun too!)

50 teens who had no idea who I was or why I was doing this strange sort of presentation.
50 teens who did not even fully know what they should expect for the weekend.
50 teens looking at this aging white guy wondering if they made a good choice for their freetime!

On top of that - I felt strongly that the Lord was leading me to do the story of the Rich man and Lazarus. Remember that one? The Rich man who wasted all his days decided how to spend his money...and Lazarus, the poor man, who was covered with sores and had been dumped on the rich man's doorstep. His life consisted of hoping for scraps from the rich man's table while his only friends --- were the dogs that came and licked his sores! (UGH! That gets me every time!)

The story is really about Hell - imagine that. You go to a Youth Conference and the first thing you hear about is Hell! Yeah - just had to trust that God had something special in mind.

I think He did.

We heard a lot of positive feedback afterwards. They liked the aging white guy and his story. That's nice, but it gets better.

Just today we learned that a young girl who was there was strongly impacted.

She is Catholic, 13 years old and was apparently captured by the story of how this poor man was carried to heaven while the rich man, who had everything while on earth, ended up in Hell and in torment.

Like the part about the rich man begging for help and how he was denied it, just as he had denied help to poor, sore covered Lazarus, who had been waiting right outside his door, day after day.

And that there was a great chasm between heaven and hell and that no one could cross over from heaven to hell - even if they wanted to. And that no one could cross over from hell to heaven either.

The story caught her attention - and compelled her into action. How do we know? Because she told one of the ladies that worked at the Conference that she went home and said to her whole family,
"Listen, everybody, come sit down. let me tell you what I learned about God today!"

Praise God for the simple boldness of a child.

Praise God for obedience.

Praise God that His Word continues to go forward...

.....through aging white guys telling the stories that Jesus told..

.....and through young girls who are passing those stories along to the next generation!

Blessed to be serving in Belize,

~Ray & Becki

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Semi Annual Daddy Longlegs Spider Convention

Yes, it's that time of year again...the Semi Annual Daddy Longlegs Spider Convention is now convening at our house.

This event happens 2 or 3 times a year, when I get the notion to call a gathering of these quiet domestic creatures. They stay at our place, rent free for most of the year. We don't really mind since they are quiet and pretty much keep to themselves, unlike some of their relatives! In fact, since our house has 10 foot high ceilings, we really do not encounter the peaceful daddy longlegs very often. If we happen to move a piece of furniture, they always scurry in the opposite direction, seeking shelter of some sort. In exchange for free rent, they do their small part to try to control the population of flies, mosquitoes and other small insectal (is that a word?!) type inhabitants of our little house in the jungle.

So, we live in a sort of harmony with the daddy longlegs. Hmm, I wonder if the mommy longlegs get tired of being called daddy longlegs...?

Anyhow, today I called to order the semi annual meeting. As usual all are invited to stay in the plush Ricar Rc 1400, a state of the art hotel and convention center all in one. It is designed to suit their taste. It is dark, private and is by invitation only.

I did invite a few mosquitoes and flies to this year's gathering, so the buffet table would not be empty. I wonder if daddy longlegs turn cannibalistic when the food runs out?

You may wonder what created such concern for the well-being of our 8-legged friends and whey we would go to all this trouble.

It's simple really. Company.

Yes, that's right. We may have company stopping by soon, so I decided that it was time to call this meeting of all the daddy longlegs. I hope they enjoy their stay. I tried to make sure that no one was left out.

I tried to upload a pic of the convention center but after 3 hours, it still wasn't happening.

So to those who are still wondering about this lavish occasion for the 8-legged visitors... is...

...our vacuum cleaner!!!

Have great day!

Ray & Becki file:///Users/rayneu/Desktop/PICT0041.JPG

Monday, August 3, 2009

Pastors in Class...

May I brag a moment? I won't take long and I won't talk about me either...

I'd like to share some thoughts from some of the pastors and future pastors who are in classes here in Belize. Perhaps through these comments you may get a sense of their hearts and be more motivated to pray for them (and their teacher!)

These comments are all taken off of tests that were turned in.

From a church history class:

"The part where Bonhoeffer says that he developed his theology of "costly grace". And it is true because Jesus Christ shed His precious blood on the cross for our sins."

(p.s. "Costly grace" is the idea that it costs someone something each time grace is given. Often, as in Bonhoeffer's case, it is very costly, it cost him his life...)

"The discussion that showed that pressure on the church brings reformation. That suffering is a vital part of Christianity because it causes the child of God to draw closer to Him for strength and when the corporate church is going to God for the same thing then revival breaks out."

"I have learnt alot from this course, especially about what people had to do and what they went through to get where we are. Also, how the church grew tremendously in some parts of the world. It is up to us to keep the church / Christianity alive."

From a class on Declaring the Gospel:

"Struggling sometimes, feeling weak sometimes but I want to trust my good Lord to help me more in all my life. Amen"

"I have to go and make disciples in all the villages."

"I am part of the Great Commission now because I am beginning to sense changes in my life that I can't understand and I want to help others to know about God also."


You don't know these students / pastors as I do but I hope you can hear something of their hearts. Let that guide your prayers for them!

Be blessed!

Ray & Becki

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Our Aim ( As printed on the Future World Currency website)

The world in a coin. This is our vision, our hope. It is a necessity and a challenge. What seems an impossible dream becomes an inevitable historic, economic and social process. It is an event which is intertwined with the fate of human evolution.
A single currency becomes the premise for an increasingly global planet. A virtual currency capable of speaking a single, comprehensible language to foster humankind's innate desire to go farther, to surpass boundaries, and move towards true principles of peace, freedom, brotherhood and understanding beyond issues of race, political and religious beliefs and party interests.

We are presenting the peoples of nations, governments, institutions, intellectuals, ordinary people, pragmatists and idealists, scholars and, above all, young people - the real protagonists of the future - with a simple, ingenuous yet determined long-term vision for building an ideal bridge with tomorrow and interpreting a dream to transform into reality.

In this program, currency yet again assumes the principle goal which it has had since its invention centuries ago: to facilitate and codify human commercial and social exchange. And become a form of pure "communication" between different peoples - a communication of ideas, ideals, information and culture. This constitutes progress, development and well being.

- -- - - - - --

What is more, there is already a request that has been sent out to create a 'smart coin'. One that would interact with wireless electronic devices. To avoid fakes and other reasons...

Interesting, very interesting...

Is history unfolding yet another chapter right in front of us?

Curious - somehow I still think Christ will be the Transformer of reality!


Monday, June 22, 2009

Excavators Doing Ballet!!

You probably never thought you would even see that sentence. The thought did not occur to me either until I watched it happen last Thursday night. I had been in the southern part of the country teaching and was headed towards home. Unfortunately the bridge was still under water - which was receding at least...but was also covered by a humongous log jam!

Once the water had gone down enough, calls were made and slowly machines started to appear and weave their way through the long, long lines of trucks and vehicles that were parked on both sides of the road, waiting for nature to allow us to continue. It had been an ALL DAY wait for some as the water had risen quickly in the morning, barely enabling the first bus of the morning to pass while the citrus truck right behind it was stopped!

Once in position, it was an amazing sight to me to see three excavators begin working to make the bridge passable again. One was digging rock from the river to fill in the hugs gap that had been washed away between the bridge and the shore. The other two positioned themselves on the bridge - and from opposite sides began to nip away at the log jam. Truly the log jam seemed to grow bigger once these massive machines got close to it. Entire trees were caught up in the firmly mashed entanglement.

It was a sight to behold as the operators of these mechanical creatures began their work. Dusk was settling in, and the lights from the long protracted arms scanned beautifully across the flowing waters or the river. I watched, as did everyone, as the large mouths attached to the end of the steel arms begin to bite away at the wooden mass blocking our way.

I realized at one point that the two men were in complete harmony and a beautiful sort of mechanized ballet was going on before me. I could almost hear the music in my mind as I observed each one, in synchronous motion, grab a bucketful of debris, swing to the opposite side of the river, dip slightly, drop their catch into the river and continue the arching movement to grab another chunk. I was surprised - and amazed and so glad, that these men had such skill. They were so good at what they did that it truly made it a joy to watch their work. The perfectly matched movements made this difficult work look so simple. The complete circles of the excavator arms brought about the wonder of this mechanical ballet! You should have seen it!

Now, maybe you think I had been sitting by the river watching the flood waters too long - maybe so. but truly, this was a moment of beauty in an otherwise challenging day. So, after much patience (what else would we do?!) we passed over the once flooded and completely blocked bridge at 10:00 pm, weary but happy to be on our way.

Thank You Lord for that moment - and for all the answered prayer of holding off the rain while the men and machines worked, and for keeping everyone safe in a rather complicated procedure, for keeping people safe as they hurriedly traveled home again (even the drunk ones!), for bringing out some of the starry host to encourage me while lightning flickered menancingly across the sky and dark clouds hovered low. Lord, thank You that you prompted me to pray these things, over and over, until the work was thoroughly completed. You are a great God, concerned for all the little moments in our lives!

Grateful for the 'ballet' and the "Conductor"!

~ Ray

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Housework is NEVER done...!

I know it has been said and said again and again but I am finding out all over again how very true this really is!

Becki left last week to Rachel back to the U.S. and I am fending for myself. It's not too bad, although I really miss my wife! 
I am eating, although the food is not near as good as when my wife fixes it! 
I am cleaning, although probably not as neatly as my wife would do (don't tell her!)
I am washing the clothes and hanging them on the line (yep, outside air dried = cheaper!)
I am washing the dishes (how do they keep piling up like that? where do they come from?!)
I am feeding and bathing the dog (sometimes it is a spray off with the hose outside!)
I am finding out where some of the food is kept (and some I have not found...hmm....)
I did find a Snickers bar I bought for Becki which she did not eat...  :-)
I am keeping things basically in order, I wife will let me know when she gets back!

In addition to all this everyday normal stuff, I am trying to keep up with ministry things, 
- a church plant that needs help
- an established church that needs help
- a Bible study that is learning to grow on its own (some)
- a ladies study in a new church plant area that wanted a visit
- prepping for the next class - reading the 250 plus pages and editing and copying and copying and copying and c o p y i n  g..... (sorry I dozed off!)
- teaching the other classes in between this

what? what is that in the kitchen...? a pile of dishes...?!
How? Where did they come from?!

I thought I already did the laundry - where did all these dirty clothes come from?!

Hey, there's a dust bunny over there....hmm, wonder if it has any friends?

Yeeesh! Apparently there's a whole colony of dust bunnies in here somewhere! 
They're everyWHERE!

ah - please don't tell my wife, I'll get this all in order before she gets back...

after all - she's not gonna be back for another 6 weeks!

So, if she's only been gone 1 week, how did all this happen so fast?

What are all those tools doing in the dining area? You know that's not where they go!

wait - who said that?!

hmm....I really miss my wife!

( psst - Hi Becki ! )


Wednesday, May 27, 2009

'Just leave it on all night'

Those that know me well, know that I am not a squeemish, girly girl type.  Nothing rattles me much and even scorpions get little more than a glance before the shoe comes smashing down.

Monday night tho, was a little over the top for me.  I actually shivered down to my toenails!!

Right now we are inundated with mosquitos...I mean, if you slap your arm or leg to kill one, you've hit 3 or 4 with one slight slap.  They are up your nose if you draw too strong of a breath, in your ears, biting through your get the picture...they are THICK!

Well, Ray decides that the way to maybe keep them out of the house is to draw their attention away from the door.  So to that end, he decided to put our Flowtron Insect Killer on the ledge at the end of the porch, thus drawing the pests to the glowing light and their certain death.

Then he left to go to the south of Belize to teach for the week.  And he said  'just leave it on all night'.  I thot, well, okay...if that's what he wants.  Me, I would have unplugged it to save the electricity.  Well, I wish I would have gone for the economical plan.  But...

I woke up at 1:30am with the dog whining to go out...typical.  I open the front door and WHOA!!!!!!!!!!

It was a total invasion...not mosquitos tho!   There were quite literally hundreds and hundreds of beetles,  hundreds of moths - every shape and size - and a plethora of flying, crawling and walking insects.  The 'Flowtron' was completely covered  with bugs...with others waiting in line for their turned to be was ghastly!  I froze, stunned at what had happened while I blistfully slept.

My first thought, 'Oh yeah, RAY, just leave it on all night'  Ugh!!  I was unable to even think about going near the plug to shut it down!!  GROSS.  Things I hadn't even seen before were buzzing about my face and I quickly called the dog, went in the house and locked the door.  I stood at the window just staring at what was happening on and around my front porch...speechless.

I went back to bed, but it took a loooonnngggggggg time for me to fall asleep.  I kept feeling things crawling on me that weren't there.  Skin crawling....  I now know what that sensation is!

The next morning, not much had changed.  Fewer things were flying about, but not one beetle had left the porch.  Some were dead, most were not.  They were in and on and on top of and stuck to everything!!  And some of the wounded moths were still hanging onto the walls while other smaller ones just fluttered around on the floor.  I did get the nerve up to get close enough to unplug the killer light, but it gave me the creeps!!  By afternoon, much of the mayhem had blown away, been carried away by industrious ants, or eaten by the dog.  I made a small attempt at sweeping them off the porch, but there were so many stuck to everything...even the bottom of the broom.  So I just walked away.

I haven't ventured to that end of the porch again... thinking,  I'll just save the rest of the clean up for Ray when he gets home tomorrow.  And I KNOW he'll want to clean out the 'Flowtron' for the next time he wants to 'just leave it on all night'!!

Shivers and love from Belize!!  Becki

Thursday, May 21, 2009

A Simple Mistake...

Belarus - Belize - 
   Belize - Belarus - 

Both start with B - e - l ...

A quick glance might easily explain this.

Or it could have been one of those state of the art computer driven scanners at a post office somewhere - that sent some very important papers we were waiting to receive, on this 'around-the-world-tour'.

We had been waiting for birth certificates to arrive here. We had paid dearly for them and were eagerly expecting them. And we waited...

And we waited...

And we waited...

Multiple trips to the Post Office in Dangriga, asking if anything had arrived for us. Waiting while the very nice lady with a one leg seriously shorter than the other, shuffles her way to the back of the office to see if our hopes have been met. Smiling, we say 'thank you'.

We'll be back again in a couple days or so, whenever we decide to drive into town again.

This repeats itself for a week, then another, then another, then another...

By now, we believe that our birth certificates have been lost - or worse - have been stolen and could very easily be being used in some identity theft scheme.

Seriously - that has worried us.

Until today. 

Today we received the much awaited mail. Finally. 

Becki looked at the postal stamp on the back...could it really be?

Closer inspection proved what her nearly unbelieving eyes were seeing - 
M-i-n-s-k,        Belarus.


Isn't that like the other side of the world?!?!?! Yes, it is.

This package had taken an adventurous journey - to another part of the world 

AND back again, all for $1.95

Now, that is a bargain, you can't find anywhere else!

Yep, life in Belize - or even in Belarus, never boring!!

Blessings from B-e-l-...umm, where are we again?!

~ Ray & Becki

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Your Prayers Are Felt in Belize !

That's right - your prayers - from the U.S., from the Philippines, from Great Britain, from India, from Sri Lanka and other places around the world, are felt right here in Belize.

On a recent Sunday, we went to church. No, that is not the answer to prayer! 

This particular Sunday I really did not 'feel' like preaching. I just wanted to go be a part of the congregation, sit back, enjoy the know, as more of a spectator.

The thing is, here in Belize, whenever I go to a church, I usually am asked to speak. It doesn't matter if I am prepared or not. It doesn't matter if I taught for 8 hours straight the 2 days before going to church. It doesn't matter if the heat has taken a toll on me and I am feeling a bit weary. 

None of that matters.

It does not even matter that I am not here in Belize to pastor, but to train pastors. No, what matters is my response when asked to preach that morning. I did not want to - I knew I did not want to  - but I smiled and said    "Yes."

Then I began praying...again. I had already begun this conversation with God, anticipating being asked to preach on a day when I felt like I had nothing to give. I had asked Him while driving to the church, "What could I say?" "What could I preach on today, to this congregation?"

Fortunately, two things were on my side:
    1) God knows the people in that congregation 
    2) and others were praying for me.

Without going into details, can I just give YOU a huge "Thank you!"
and give God the glory for what He accomplished that morning?!

I prayed right up until I stood up - then began to open up the small idea I had for a message.
It was then that I "felt" your prayers...

Seriously, even as Becki and I have "felt" your prayers before when in South Asia, I realized in those moments as a wonderful message came together, that this was not my doing. This was the clear result of others doing the real work while I was simply a mouthpiece.

Thank you ---- and Praise our Father in Heaven for how wonderfully He worked. The Spirit of Christ within me was able to serve the people that morning just what they needed.

How refreshing to be reminded that it is not about me. 

That there is a much greater force at work here than any of us fully realizes. 
    Much more powerful, 
              much more loving, 
                        much more directly connected to the hearts of the people, 
                                    much more able to do all that is needed...

in any moment, 
in any place,
in any fashion,

whether I feel like it or not.

Praise God!

And seriously - "Thank you" for your ongoing prayers.

Ephesians 6:18 says it well: 

"And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints."

Ray & Becki

Sunday, April 19, 2009

King Henry

Can you tell from a small seed how large the tree will become?

At times, we have an idea that the little seed will become something of great size or importance.

At times, we have no idea.

Last Monday night, I went to Hope Creek for the church service. 
We did NOT have a music leader.
We did NOT have much of a plan. (since the song leader decided last minute not to attend)
We did NOT even all speak the same language.
We did have one man closed his thumb in the truck door! Ouch!
We did have others fail to attend even though I drove several miles to go get them. Bummer.
We did have an accordion played by a man who only speaks Ketchi and Spanish.
We did have  a lady who led us in some singing, we even knew 'some' of the songs!
We did have a message, although not what I thought I had planned.

We did see fruit as God's Spirit stirred the people's hearts.

After the message, several questions were asked which helped to carry the point of the message into their hearts and minds more clearly. This encouraged me.

What encouraged me as well, was a man who was in church - for the first time ever. An alcoholic who is trying to turn his life around. Great start, my friend!

But even better than that was a 14 year old young man who came up to me with a simple question: "Pastor Ray, how can I become a Christian?"

Can you see the seed? Can you hear its potential?

I did. How exciting the next several minutes were as Henry and I talked. When it was clear that his desire was to begin this new life, I motioned for his mom to come join us. I explained what was happening with her son and asked if she thought there was any reason Henry should not do this. "No," she said, "he should do it."

Then I called for Henry's older sister to join us and filled her in on the rapidly developing moment in eternity.

Then, as I like to do, I had Henry pray first, telling God what was on his heart. Henry's first pray was beautiful. 

Heartfelt, honest, sincere...

I followed his words with my own while mom added her tears.

Afterwards we talked about mom's relationship with the Lord, "I''m trying to get there." she said. 

Henry's sister then asked some really good questions herself. Already a Christian, Sherry is wanting to grow, wanting to see her faith make a difference in some serious situations at home.

What a great night this turned out to be!!! As the angels in heaven rejoiced, I rejoiced as well on my drive home. Yes, several things had 'gone wrong'...but the one thing that mattered - went right - very, very right!

The next day I met Sherry and Henry at the new Internet Cafe in Hope Creek and taught them a little about using the computers. Henry decided his email name would be King Henry - 

later he sent this message to us:

"Last night I accepted Christ and I am happy."

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Another Bar May Close Soon!

Tonight I went to go meet with 8 men who were supposed to come to have a chat about stopping their drinking habits. 

Did you guess that they did not show up - not a one. Not even the ones who shook my hands this afternoon and said they would be there. Such is the nature of addictions - we don't want to let them go - or they don't want to let us go.

I did talk to some folks who were in the bar - and listened in on conversations. It was interesting that at one point, the topic switched to it being Holy Thursday and where they should go to church! One woman did not care where, just any church and her husband had no interest at all. When a friend asked him what church he would want to go to when he died, he said he did not care. When the same man said, "What if you feel the heat?" The reluctant man said, "I'd get up and run!"

At that point I had to chime in, "It'd be just a little late then." Good natured laughter brought about a change of subject.

I did get to hand out a couple of papers with the 8 Recovery Principles from Celebrate Recovery. One man understood that if he stopped drinking it would affect Miss Gloria's business. What he did not know was that Miss Gloria, the owner of the bar, is the one who suggested that we have our meeting there!

Even after he left, I talked to Miss Gloria about making a choice that would honor God. 
She has 2 sons she is concerned about who drink too much. I suggested that maybe her sons think it is okay to drink since she sells liquor. She agreed, saying that she has been thinking about that very fact.

That is her part...

This is your part...

Miss Gloria is divorced, and cares for a 20 something daughter who is mentally challenged but sweet as can be! She smiles and waves excitedly when she sees me. Her perpetual smile makes me think she has something many of us are missing.

So, back to your part...

Please pray for Miss Gloria - pray for her to find some other way to make a bit of money to support her and her daughter. Life is not easy here. She cannot leave to go get a job without hiring a sitter (if she could find one) and then it would take all she might earn to pay for the sitter. That is why she opened the bar. 
EZ $...

Now a choice lays before her. I shared with her that I was not trying to offend her. She readily stated that she was not offended and would think about what else she could do instead of having the bar.

Pray that God honors her intention to close the bar and shows her in a very personal way that He is Jehovah Jireh, her Provider.

May God bless you as you pray for Gloria.

~ Ray & Becki

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Walter Logan asked for Prayer!

Walter Logan asked for Prayer...

You don't know Walter Logan. Before today I did not either.

We had business in Belize City today so we made the drive into Belize's largest and roughest city. After finishing all that was required for today we stopped at a roadside vendor to buy some lunch. We had, as we usually do , taken our puppy Chaz, along with us. Becki was taking him for a little stroll while I waited on the food to be dished up for us.

While she was walking along, a man approached her asking if he could have her dog. She declined saying that we wanted to keep him because we love him and he loves us - and as if he understood, Chaz went right over to the man and started sniffing at his boots, tail wagging happily. The man said, "Well it looks like he loves me too!"

When I joined in, the then unknown man asked me a question. Based upon his appearance I expected to be asked for money, but instead he asked for a meal. Becki gave me a look that said, "Yes." so I headed back to the food vendor while Becki and Rachel and Chaz headed for our truck. 

Pleasant conversation ensued as we decided on what he would have for lunch. He told me that at one time he had been an evangelist here in the city but later - had been deceived and had fallen away. I felt a  nudge from the Lord to share with him the story of the blind man whom Jesus had touched and then asked, "What do you see?"

The not as blind man replied, "I see men walking around like trees." This indicated that his healing was not yet complete, as his vision was still obstructed.

Jesus then touched the man 
                                                                   a second time 

and he could see clearly then without any hindrance. I told this man that God could still do the same for him even now. He had been touched once before and even used by God and that if he desired it - Jesus would touch him again - and make him whole and perhaps use him once again.

He stood on the sidewalk, looking at me, weighing those words...then asked if I would pray for him before I left. After some more conversation, I asked his name and there in the midst of a busy Belize sidewalk prayed that Jesus would come and touch Walter Logan a second time. I prayed that God would come to him, bring wholeness (even for his one clouded eye) and use him according to his obedience to God's Word.

Then I encouraged Walter to begin again to attend church, on Easter - a great time to begin again. Would you join me in praying for Walter Logan? Pray that he indeed makes it to church on this Easter Sunday and that he receives in full, that second touch from Jesus.

~ And may you also receive a second touch from our gracious Lord this Easter time!

~ He is risen!  

Ray & Becki

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

What We Give Away

Been thinking about the things we give away...

Usually they are things that hold little value to us - at least at the time we give them away.

They may have held greater value at one time - like when we first bought them. Even then, the value may have been more of what it meant to us than the dollars actually paid for it.

You know what they say, an item is worth whatever someone else will pay for it. I think that often explains the prices for designer clothes. They make little sense where we live. We see designer labels doubt given away in someone's moment of charity - or simply because they were no longer the fashion of the moment.

What about other things, like furniture, vehicles, land, cash...

Whoa now! Getting a little carried away aren't we?! Not really, people give away those thing all the time. Sometimes for personal gain,  sometimes as acts of gracious, generous hearts.

Most times we give out of our abundance 
       - sometimes we give out of guilt 
                 - few times we give out of a desire to change someone else's situation 
                           - occasionally, I think we give out of obedience...

I have been all of those.

I think I recently gave out of obedience. I gave something that to most people would not have any value at all beyond the price a yard sale might find on it. But to me...and I dare to believe, that to the person who I gave this item, it carries GREAT VALUE.

I gave out of obedience - I am sure of this because, at first, I did not want to give it.
I struggled with the idea.
I thought of other options.
I thought of valid reasons to not to do  - or to do something else.

Funny thing about obedience - it only works when you do it.

When I finally came to the point that I was giving this item, it was still difficult, but the dye had been set. I was on a course to deliver it and the conversation's purpose, known only to me, confirmed what I felt the Lord had told me to do. 

At that point, I was gaining strength and determination. This treasure - that cannot be replaced - I was willingly placing into the hands of someone else. 
        Someone important to me. 
              Someone important to God.

I think this is my point today - that our obedience - in giving, in doing, in listening, in just living out life - is always about us - and about someone else that is important to God.

So our giving - should just be a reflection of God's grace being poured through our lives in the lives of others.

Yeah, I think that about says it - 

It will be interesting to see, somewhere near the end of our life's journeys, what things we valued most of all - and what we did with them...

I think there must be a category that tells in no uncertain terms, that the things we valued the most, were the things we gave away.

May we all follow Jesus with the heart of Psalm 119: 4 "You have laid down precepts that are to be fully obeyed."

~ Ray

Monday, March 2, 2009

First things first - we APOLOGIZE for being so tardy in keeping in touch with updates - ! It is my fault really, I have been pretty busy teaching and some of the schedules have been changing a bit which makes preparation different, etc...all excuses though, so I apologize....

Training of the pastors is our main purpose in being here in Belize. That, I am glad to say is going pretty well. Each of the 3 locations where I teach has its own personality and mix of personalities. We do one subject per month. The entire course of study can be completed in 3 years. Missing a class can have serious delays but we are also committed to doing all we can to move pastors through the courses.

It is interesting teaching full time like this. It is challenging to keep up on all the different courses. The material prepared by the Church of the Nazarene denomination is very good. This means I do not have to make my own lessons for all of these subjects - which is VERY GOOD! Otherwise, I would not get anything done and would constantly be stressing over the next class.

As it is, there is very little downtime. By the time I finish one subject, I am already late in preparing for the next one, as the 3 locations meet at different times of the month, so I go directly from one place to the next and change subjects at the beginning of every month.

A positive note about all the different subjects is that I get to relearn these things all over again. The biggest challenge comes in making it clear enough and easy to apply so that the students can use the information to do more than just past a test - we want to see their churches and their people benefit as well.

It is a blessing to see some of them really grabbing what is being taught 
 - and applying it 
 - and see the effects on some of the local leaders and churches.

Pray that this continues - 
pray that we see more and more attend the classes
pray that they will understand and gain not just knowledge but the wisdom to apply what they are learning
pray that more people will accept Christ
and that the church in Belize will be transformed into the image of Christ that God desires to see!

Also - please pray for District Assembly this weekend. This is a crucial election year.

Belizean blessings to you all !!
~Ray & Becki

ps - if you are not already - can we encourage you to get  a free Facebook account?
We have found recently that it is a great way to keep in touch with a LOT of people.
Just go to and sign up - then come find us as 'Friends'

In fact, go to this address to see some pictures we just loaded:

(cut and paste that address to see the pics!)

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


I know that this may not seem like big news to most of you - but hey!

It IS a big deal, especially for Becki as she has been without a way to call ---- or be called, ever since she came to Belize!

So, for those who wish to:

(from the U.S.)
011 - 501 - 665 - 5217

We do not always get good reception --- heavy clouds, rain, etc. can hamper things but this is the best we've had so far!

we're doing a happy dance - aren't you glad you can't see that!

~ Ray & Becki & Rachel

Monday, February 2, 2009

What the BLIND MAN saw!

Last night we had  great opportunity. We went to the home of some Nazarene friends from a local church. They hosted an mixed group of people who they invited to come for a Bible study - a Bible Story, actually, as I had been asked to teach the Simply The Story model of learning the Bible.

A few other denominations were represented as well as a variety of vocations. I led the group through a discovery of the account of the Good Samaritan and the reason Jesus even told that story. We had a very lively and engaging discussion.

After admitting that I am sometimes the "priest who passes by on the other side" - one of the men, who is a banker, told about recent encounters with a blind man. This particular blind man has a bit of a reputation, prostitutes, smoking weed, etc. This was already known about him, when quite unexpectedly, he moved in across the street from the banker. Suddenly, this Christian man had a dilemma. Should he risk his own reputation and possibly even personal going over to see the man and see if he had any needs?

He and his wife prayed about it and quickly decided that he needed to be a "neighbor" to the blind man. Even though he initially did not want the other neighbors to consider that he was a friend or had any 'business' with the man, they began to help out. The banker's wife would get up early each morning and make breakfast, so her husband could take it over to the blind man before he left for the bank each day. Some days, he admitted he just wanted to drop it off and run to work but made the point to go in and greet him.

Eventually, he realized that he should do more. So he began to talk to him about Jesus. He shared Scriptures and his own beliefs and was surprised to learn that the man already knew all about Jesus, in fact, at one time, he had even been a pastor!

Although born blind, he had found resources to help him study and had done well - until his life changed drastically.

The thing that struck me the most though was what the Blind Man said to the banker's wife. You see, he had already been a customer in the bank before he moved across the street from the banker. Being blind, he relies only on what he hears - which goes beyond the mere words people use. He can clearly hear their tone of voice, the inflections, the patience or impatience, their condemnation of him, etc.

The Blind Man was speaking to the banker's wife one day and told her, "I already knew your husband was a Christian before he ever told me. I could hear it in his voice and how he treated others. I knew he was a Christian. He's a good man."

Amazing! That the Blind Man "saw" the witness of Christ in the banker without ever physically seeing anything!

May we be so blessed when others see us!

Blessed in Belize!
~ Ray & Becki

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Praying Through

Perhaps you have heard this expression - "praying through" - which means praying until a matter is resolved. Well, we need some people to seriously gather around the altar and pray through!

I have learned just recently of no less than 12 churches that are in challenging situations !

This small country can ill afford to have that many of its Nazarene churches struggling like this. Please join us in praying through until we see God resolve many issues that are being pressed upon these churches right now. 

In addition, March 7 will be the District Assembly here in Belize. This is an important time as the  elections could strongly affect many of the churches and programs currently operating.

Again, would you please join us in "praying through"? God CAN do amazing things - in people - in places - and we want to see Him do amazing things in the people and the churches here in Belize!

"And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, always keep on praying for all the saints." 
Paul, an apostle of Jesus, Ephesians 6:18

~ Ray & Becki

Monday, January 19, 2009

Home Invasion!

First off - sorry to be so late in making any sort of update....argh! Being back in the states was really different than being here in Belize. It was good to see family and friends...really, really good. The rest of the stuff, the really cold weather, the rush for perfect gifts, etc....yeah, you can keep that!


I came back to Belize almost 10 days ago now and went straight back into class. Then worked on getting a busted window on the truck fixed ( whole 'nother story!) then made my way back to our little place in the jungle. I saw a little something on the doorframe as I went in and then was shocked to find that there had been a major invasion of our home while we were heart sunk lower and lower as I discovered the severity of this invasion.

The intruders had gone through the entire house, seemingly missing NOTHING!

Now, before you think that all our stuff was was not...nothing was missing.

In fact, everything was right where we left it - except that now nearly EVERYthing was covered with MOLD! Mostly green mold, but there is also, black mold, gray mold, white mold, even some pink mold. Unbelievable how pervasive these little invaders had been! Doors, walls, ceilings, furniture, INSIDE cabinets, on wood, on leather, on cloth, on rubber, on glass, on metal, nothing seemed to be left out.

Did I mention that I am very allergic to mold?

Yeah, so, clean, clean, clean has been the order of things for me in between class, getting ready for classes, getting stranded due to flooding, finding more mold growing.

I have grown aware that it is politically correct these days to go "green" but this is overboard!

We love our place in the jungle, but we are so fond of the jungle in our place!

I am trying to get the bulk of it cleaned up before Becki and Rachel get back on Wednesday night - pray for's one against 100 million mold spores but I'm armed with bleach Lysol!
