Thursday, December 24, 2009
A Blessed Christmas !
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Primal - Plan on reading this...!
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Want $100.00 ?!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Our Friend Stephen
Friday, November 20, 2009
How Hard is it to Help?
Why is this on my mind? Because this week I switched roles. We had 2 visiting teachers come to Belize to train the pastors here. The first taught a class on worship, something I could not have done - and he did great. The second taught from many years of experience in 6 different come back churches - and he did great. I could not have done that either. And, on top of bringing their experience and expertise and willingness, they taught very intensive courses. Each finished an entire course in 2 very long days!
They were tired.
The pastor/students were tired.
And in the background, running around working on details, I was tired. I did not do intensely difficult work. I made sure things were ready on time. I helped with techie stuff, made copies, stapled, graded papers, developed spread sheets and took care of little items like missing pens and the rollbook.
Then why oh why, I am SO tired after only 4 days of that?!
I think 2 reasons stand out.
1) This is not what I normally do, so it was, in some ways, more stressful to me.
2) This also pointed out quite clearly to me that there is A LOT of work that goes on behind the scenes...!
On day one, I started early and finished late.
On day two, I started early and finished late.
On day three, I ....well, I think you get the idea.
By day four, I had trouble starting, but still had to be going very early.
This week has reminded me that all of us who do our "up front" thing
owe a huge debt to those who do the behind the scenes thing!
It is their gift of service that makes things work for us - and for all who benefit from their efforts.
The up front person is blessed, the hearers or audience or congregation is blessed. And I believe that when things go well, the behind the scenes person is blessed too because their special gift puts joy in their own hearts when they see everyone else accomplishing what they need to do or enjoying themselves.
So....let me say a very heartfelt "Thank you!" to all those who help make everyone else look good by their behind the scenes service.
And, if you all don't mind, let me be sure to express this, with you all as witnesses to my wife, Becki, my own behind the scenes worker. Honey I could not do a great deal of what I do without you doing all that you do.
"Thank you!" ( and I love you!)
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
"If I can't ......I'd rather die!"
Fill in the blank space of course and then try it on for size.
"If I can't ......I'd rather die!"
What might fill in the blank space? Thinking about it for a few moments and thinking about some of the things that drive our lives, I wrote a few possibilities. Yours might be listed here or be totally different. Some are slightly humorous, others more serious.
"If I can't lose weight, I'd rather die!"
"If I can't see my kids again, I'd rather die!"
"If I can't get out of this mess, I'd rather die!"
"If I can't get a decent meal, I'd rather die!"
"If I can't figure out these taxes, I'd rather die!"
"If I can't see the Buckeyes (or your team) win, I'd rather die!"
"If I can't find a job, I'd rather die!"
"If I can't get this right, I'd rather die!"
"If I can't be with (him/ her) I'd rather die!"
So, what do you think? Interesting to consider.
Today those same words were spoken to me and caught me off guard. They were spoken very sincerely, with just the right amount of emotion. It was not theatrical, not meant to be dramatic at all. Those words accurately expressed the individual's heart.
The man who spoke them is perhaps, unique. He is a Taiwanese national living here in Belize. He has completely given up his former life and become a true sold-out follower of Jesus Christ. His wife left him because of his strong devotion to God. He continues on. He has no means of support. I am not sure how he ever eats, yet to look at his tall thin, wiry frame, it does not appear that eating is that important to him.
When I listen to him speak, in his broken English, one thing is clear. He has a compelling conviction to share God's Word. Anywhere, with anyone. Truly.
He has not been to a Bible school but he know his Bible.
He has a Mandarin - English Bible as well as another Bible he dutifully carries with him. To peer inside it is to glance at the ruminations of someone who has sat at the feet of Jesus.
When he speaks, he shares from his great learning, from his personal study of God's love letter. He has insights that can only be explained as coming from intense personal times before the Lord. I have seen him diligently studying and have heard him carefully seeking to make clear the treasures he has gained.
This kind-hearted, compassionate gentleman told me today,
"If I eat or not, it is okay."
"Where I stay is no problem."
Those were enough to challenge me. His humble acceptance of where life has him right now is an 'in-your-face' indictment to those who believe we must have things to be just this way and that way.
So what did he say to fill in the blank? What could follow those statements in such a powerful way as to still capture my thoughts hours later?
"If I can't do ministry, I'd rather die!"
Simple. Focused. Powerful.
I arranged for him to share at a local Nazarene church. He took my hand and did something else that humbled me. It was one of those things that you wish a grown man would not do, but it clearly expressed the gratitude of his heart for serving God. As this thin Taiwanese man grasped my hand, he knelt down in front of me on both knees and bowed.
I wanted to pull him to his feet. I wanted to tell him that he has no reason to thank me so profoundly. Yet, I could not, because his heart was showing once again.
I remain challenged and about you?
Sunday, October 4, 2009
To the Regions Beyond you...
2 Corinthians 10:15-17
15Neither do we go beyond our limits by boasting of work done by others. Our hope is that, as your faith continues to grow, our area of activity among you will greatly expand, 16so that we can preach the gospel in the regions beyond you. For we do not want to boast about work already done in another man's territory. 17But, "Let him who boasts boast in the Lord."
I want to share a story with you. It is not my story, which is why I first included the passage above. Perhaps a small portion of this is my story as well. I have developed a dear friend here in Belize whose heart is precious due to his heart for the Lord. He and his wife are of one heart in their love and service for the Lord and the people He loves.
Felize means happy - and this man is happy. His happy spirit is welcoming and a blessing to many. Felize is not assigned to a particular church right now. Yet he is not idle. He and his wife Remigia are very busy.
This last month Felize went to San Benito Poite to once again help in the construction of a concrete block building for the church there. It is no easy place to get to. After 5 days there, he and Remigia traveled to a new area. Just going to Graham Creek is a much more difficult journey. They took the bus as far as the road allowed, then walked the 1 1/2 hours to this village where a new Nazarene church is finding its beginnings.
Each day was filled with activity. Each day they taught the basics of what our church is - each day they taught about the Articles of Faith and about prayer. Each day the people of the village gathered for another full day of teaching, their spiritual hunger evident and eager.
Each night was not for relaxing. Even though Felize was hoping to go hunting some night in this remote region, that was not to happen. Each night the people asked for a church service. Each night they gathered to sing and to pray and to listen to more teaching and preaching. They enjoyed the services and the fellowship so much that they met together every day and every night --- for 7 days and 7 nights!
During this time, 5 young people gave their hearts to Christ for the first time.
5 others came back to the Lord, finding once again, the forgiveness that they once had held but had walked away from. God is the restorer.
As I said, this is not my story directly. I did not travel all the way to Graham Creek. I did not teach during the day for 7 days and preach at night for 7 nights. But my friend, whom I have invested in - personally and spiritually - he did. So, as he shared the praises with me, a little part of my heart rejoiced. Rejoiced in the wonderful reports and rejoiced that in some small way, I was a part of Felize and Remigia's faithfulness in going to the "Regions Beyond".
Because of Jesus,
Ray & Becki
Sunday, September 27, 2009
The End of the Rainbow!!!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
BOLD Young Lady!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Semi Annual Daddy Longlegs Spider Convention
Monday, August 3, 2009
Pastors in Class...
Thursday, July 16, 2009

Our Aim ( As printed on the Future World Currency website)
The world in a coin. This is our vision, our hope. It is a necessity and a challenge. What seems an impossible dream becomes an inevitable historic, economic and social process. It is an event which is intertwined with the fate of human evolution.
A single currency becomes the premise for an increasingly global planet. A virtual currency capable of speaking a single, comprehensible language to foster humankind's innate desire to go farther, to surpass boundaries, and move towards true principles of peace, freedom, brotherhood and understanding beyond issues of race, political and religious beliefs and party interests.
We are presenting the peoples of nations, governments, institutions, intellectuals, ordinary people, pragmatists and idealists, scholars and, above all, young people - the real protagonists of the future - with a simple, ingenuous yet determined long-term vision for building an ideal bridge with tomorrow and interpreting a dream to transform into reality.
In this program, currency yet again assumes the principle goal which it has had since its invention centuries ago: to facilitate and codify human commercial and social exchange. And become a form of pure "communication" between different peoples - a communication of ideas, ideals, information and culture. This constitutes progress, development and well being.