Tuesday, September 16, 2008

JUST made it across in time...!

Today was a day of visiting a few pastors, encouraging and helping as able. It was a good day, not as busy as most, which made the heavy rain seem not so impressive. It rained hard off and on, stopping progress on the foundation for the new San Roman church, making driving rather slow at times and cooling the air off quite nicely (some were too cool, but for me the 78 degree air was fantastic!).

We did not mind being inside during downpours. Perhaps providentially, I wore my Crocs today, so I really did not mind getting my feet soaked either. The plastic shoes are fine wet - and I knew my socks would dry in time also.

The leisurely but productive day was interrupted by yet another flat tire. I attempted to plug it myself...when that failed, I changed the flat for the repaired spare I had - and then went to get it fixed again...large patch number 2 inside of it!

On the way back towards home, I had stopped to see a couple more people and ---- a l m o s t ---- did not make it home at all! The temporary bridge at Kendall, which has been more than temporary, was quickly becoming in danger of being submerged once again by the rapidly rising water. It appeared that I would be the lsat truck across as some of the gravel had already slipped back into the river creating a small gap at one side of the wooden platform bridge.

Somehow, 2 others small trucks made mad dashes across, the second of which nearly did not make it at all, prompting a hasty retreat from the mini-van that had been following the little truck. Many people gathered on both sides of the river to watch this act of nature perform once again. It has become more common since the major flood a few months ago.

I can confidently say this - it is a WHOLE lot more fun to watch the river rise to flood stage - when you are on the side that leads towards home!! The last time was a real bummer.

Here's a few pics for you...


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