Wednesday, June 18, 2008

One Week Later

whew - that flew by !

Julie and Mike flew back to Ohio Tuesday

and Carol and Carl flew back to New Jersey Wednesday

and I dragged myself back to camp today...

I guess it was good that there was no work today as this morning I seriously wrenched a muscle in my mid back while putting a suitcase in the vehicle. After dropping to the ground..ah well.. you get the idea.

I do want to say "THANK YOU!!" for all the help this last week. I know that other than Carl, none of this group has really planned on being here - but God must have known what He had in mind - and while Relief work in the community was not really needed - it is a Big Relief to me to have more of the tasks for the house close to completion!!

On another side of things - at Red Bank church this last Sunday, we were witness to 9 young people receiving Baptism certificates = and their own incredibly wonderful worship and testimonies. The 9 teens were all from San Roman village and are more evidence of this rapidly growing church!

Then Sunday night, I preached a pretty average sermon at Silk Grass, but true to my prayer and the passage from Hebrews 4 - the WORD was alive and active and a young father named Angelo came and knelt and gave his life to the Lord! He said he wanted to do as the passage said and make this right Today and not wait for tomorrow! Praise God for the power of His Word and the moving of the Spirit!

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