Thursday, April 17, 2008

My Head is FULL ~!

No, I don't have a cold, although allergy season is starting to kick in for me. Pastor Rob recently went to Belize and once he saw the realities of life there he strongly encouraged me to go to some leadership training that he had already been promoting to me. I took his advice and went.

Now, after a week of listening to this teaching - my head is even more full than it already was - thinking about the material, which was fantastic - and thinking about the possibilities and how to implement this in Belize. There is a great need there for leaders who are strong in their beliefs, in and FOR their community.

Instead of the normal Western system of sending people off to schools to receive education, then hoping they come back to serve the local church - (which too often fails) - this system develops leaders right where they live through an intentional framework of 5 guiding areas:

CHRIST - The focus of all we want to do and be
COMMUNITY - The people and place where we serve
CHARACTER - Being with those people brings out character issues to address
CALLING - The actual confirmation of God's specific call
COMPETENCIES - The particular skills and gifts for our work

These are organized thru 4 dynamics in order to attain the best possible learning & life results:

SPIRITUAL - conducted by prayer and Scritpure as ultimate source
RELATIONAL - done with at least one other person or ideally, a group
EXPERIENTIAL - lived out in experiences and tasks completed together
INSTRUCTIONAL - the truth, skill, concept, knowledge desired to learn

I could say a whole lot more but..... if I haven't lost you already, I don't want to . Seriously, if you take even a brief look at this you will see that it stresses learning and building healthy leaders in a different fashion than our institutional approach.

This looks a LOT more like what Jesus did. Which seems to ring a bell with me....

Jesus did not have much time, He chose some pretty sketchy people to work with. They failed Him and disappointed Him often...YET, the ones Jesus chose have rearranged our world - and still are! Maybe there's something to this whole thing afterall...?!

Be blessed while you ponder this...

Ray & Becki

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