Monday night tho, was a little over the top for me. I actually shivered down to my toenails!!
Right now we are inundated with mosquitos...I mean, if you slap your arm or leg to kill one, you've hit 3 or 4 with one slight slap. They are up your nose if you draw too strong of a breath, in your ears, biting through your get the picture...they are THICK!
Well, Ray decides that the way to maybe keep them out of the house is to draw their attention away from the door. So to that end, he decided to put our Flowtron Insect Killer on the ledge at the end of the porch, thus drawing the pests to the glowing light and their certain death.
Then he left to go to the south of Belize to teach for the week. And he said 'just leave it on all night'. I thot, well, okay...if that's what he wants. Me, I would have unplugged it to save the electricity. Well, I wish I would have gone for the economical plan. But...
I woke up at 1:30am with the dog whining to go out...typical. I open the front door and WHOA!!!!!!!!!!
It was a total invasion...not mosquitos tho! There were quite literally hundreds and hundreds of beetles, hundreds of moths - every shape and size - and a plethora of flying, crawling and walking insects. The 'Flowtron' was completely covered with bugs...with others waiting in line for their turned to be was ghastly! I froze, stunned at what had happened while I blistfully slept.
My first thought, 'Oh yeah, RAY, just leave it on all night' Ugh!! I was unable to even think about going near the plug to shut it down!! GROSS. Things I hadn't even seen before were buzzing about my face and I quickly called the dog, went in the house and locked the door. I stood at the window just staring at what was happening on and around my front porch...speechless.
I went back to bed, but it took a loooonnngggggggg time for me to fall asleep. I kept feeling things crawling on me that weren't there. Skin crawling.... I now know what that sensation is!
The next morning, not much had changed. Fewer things were flying about, but not one beetle had left the porch. Some were dead, most were not. They were in and on and on top of and stuck to everything!! And some of the wounded moths were still hanging onto the walls while other smaller ones just fluttered around on the floor. I did get the nerve up to get close enough to unplug the killer light, but it gave me the creeps!! By afternoon, much of the mayhem had blown away, been carried away by industrious ants, or eaten by the dog. I made a small attempt at sweeping them off the porch, but there were so many stuck to everything...even the bottom of the broom. So I just walked away.
I haven't ventured to that end of the porch again... thinking, I'll just save the rest of the clean up for Ray when he gets home tomorrow. And I KNOW he'll want to clean out the 'Flowtron' for the next time he wants to 'just leave it on all night'!!
Shivers and love from Belize!! Becki