Sunday, April 19, 2009

King Henry

Can you tell from a small seed how large the tree will become?

At times, we have an idea that the little seed will become something of great size or importance.

At times, we have no idea.

Last Monday night, I went to Hope Creek for the church service. 
We did NOT have a music leader.
We did NOT have much of a plan. (since the song leader decided last minute not to attend)
We did NOT even all speak the same language.
We did have one man closed his thumb in the truck door! Ouch!
We did have others fail to attend even though I drove several miles to go get them. Bummer.
We did have an accordion played by a man who only speaks Ketchi and Spanish.
We did have  a lady who led us in some singing, we even knew 'some' of the songs!
We did have a message, although not what I thought I had planned.

We did see fruit as God's Spirit stirred the people's hearts.

After the message, several questions were asked which helped to carry the point of the message into their hearts and minds more clearly. This encouraged me.

What encouraged me as well, was a man who was in church - for the first time ever. An alcoholic who is trying to turn his life around. Great start, my friend!

But even better than that was a 14 year old young man who came up to me with a simple question: "Pastor Ray, how can I become a Christian?"

Can you see the seed? Can you hear its potential?

I did. How exciting the next several minutes were as Henry and I talked. When it was clear that his desire was to begin this new life, I motioned for his mom to come join us. I explained what was happening with her son and asked if she thought there was any reason Henry should not do this. "No," she said, "he should do it."

Then I called for Henry's older sister to join us and filled her in on the rapidly developing moment in eternity.

Then, as I like to do, I had Henry pray first, telling God what was on his heart. Henry's first pray was beautiful. 

Heartfelt, honest, sincere...

I followed his words with my own while mom added her tears.

Afterwards we talked about mom's relationship with the Lord, "I''m trying to get there." she said. 

Henry's sister then asked some really good questions herself. Already a Christian, Sherry is wanting to grow, wanting to see her faith make a difference in some serious situations at home.

What a great night this turned out to be!!! As the angels in heaven rejoiced, I rejoiced as well on my drive home. Yes, several things had 'gone wrong'...but the one thing that mattered - went right - very, very right!

The next day I met Sherry and Henry at the new Internet Cafe in Hope Creek and taught them a little about using the computers. Henry decided his email name would be King Henry - 

later he sent this message to us:

"Last night I accepted Christ and I am happy."

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Another Bar May Close Soon!

Tonight I went to go meet with 8 men who were supposed to come to have a chat about stopping their drinking habits. 

Did you guess that they did not show up - not a one. Not even the ones who shook my hands this afternoon and said they would be there. Such is the nature of addictions - we don't want to let them go - or they don't want to let us go.

I did talk to some folks who were in the bar - and listened in on conversations. It was interesting that at one point, the topic switched to it being Holy Thursday and where they should go to church! One woman did not care where, just any church and her husband had no interest at all. When a friend asked him what church he would want to go to when he died, he said he did not care. When the same man said, "What if you feel the heat?" The reluctant man said, "I'd get up and run!"

At that point I had to chime in, "It'd be just a little late then." Good natured laughter brought about a change of subject.

I did get to hand out a couple of papers with the 8 Recovery Principles from Celebrate Recovery. One man understood that if he stopped drinking it would affect Miss Gloria's business. What he did not know was that Miss Gloria, the owner of the bar, is the one who suggested that we have our meeting there!

Even after he left, I talked to Miss Gloria about making a choice that would honor God. 
She has 2 sons she is concerned about who drink too much. I suggested that maybe her sons think it is okay to drink since she sells liquor. She agreed, saying that she has been thinking about that very fact.

That is her part...

This is your part...

Miss Gloria is divorced, and cares for a 20 something daughter who is mentally challenged but sweet as can be! She smiles and waves excitedly when she sees me. Her perpetual smile makes me think she has something many of us are missing.

So, back to your part...

Please pray for Miss Gloria - pray for her to find some other way to make a bit of money to support her and her daughter. Life is not easy here. She cannot leave to go get a job without hiring a sitter (if she could find one) and then it would take all she might earn to pay for the sitter. That is why she opened the bar. 
EZ $...

Now a choice lays before her. I shared with her that I was not trying to offend her. She readily stated that she was not offended and would think about what else she could do instead of having the bar.

Pray that God honors her intention to close the bar and shows her in a very personal way that He is Jehovah Jireh, her Provider.

May God bless you as you pray for Gloria.

~ Ray & Becki

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Walter Logan asked for Prayer!

Walter Logan asked for Prayer...

You don't know Walter Logan. Before today I did not either.

We had business in Belize City today so we made the drive into Belize's largest and roughest city. After finishing all that was required for today we stopped at a roadside vendor to buy some lunch. We had, as we usually do , taken our puppy Chaz, along with us. Becki was taking him for a little stroll while I waited on the food to be dished up for us.

While she was walking along, a man approached her asking if he could have her dog. She declined saying that we wanted to keep him because we love him and he loves us - and as if he understood, Chaz went right over to the man and started sniffing at his boots, tail wagging happily. The man said, "Well it looks like he loves me too!"

When I joined in, the then unknown man asked me a question. Based upon his appearance I expected to be asked for money, but instead he asked for a meal. Becki gave me a look that said, "Yes." so I headed back to the food vendor while Becki and Rachel and Chaz headed for our truck. 

Pleasant conversation ensued as we decided on what he would have for lunch. He told me that at one time he had been an evangelist here in the city but later - had been deceived and had fallen away. I felt a  nudge from the Lord to share with him the story of the blind man whom Jesus had touched and then asked, "What do you see?"

The not as blind man replied, "I see men walking around like trees." This indicated that his healing was not yet complete, as his vision was still obstructed.

Jesus then touched the man 
                                                                   a second time 

and he could see clearly then without any hindrance. I told this man that God could still do the same for him even now. He had been touched once before and even used by God and that if he desired it - Jesus would touch him again - and make him whole and perhaps use him once again.

He stood on the sidewalk, looking at me, weighing those words...then asked if I would pray for him before I left. After some more conversation, I asked his name and there in the midst of a busy Belize sidewalk prayed that Jesus would come and touch Walter Logan a second time. I prayed that God would come to him, bring wholeness (even for his one clouded eye) and use him according to his obedience to God's Word.

Then I encouraged Walter to begin again to attend church, on Easter - a great time to begin again. Would you join me in praying for Walter Logan? Pray that he indeed makes it to church on this Easter Sunday and that he receives in full, that second touch from Jesus.

~ And may you also receive a second touch from our gracious Lord this Easter time!

~ He is risen!  

Ray & Becki