Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Airline Miles

Just a quick note to say that if you have airline miles and would like to donate some to a missionary you know - we would be willing to receive them! This can really help at times when we need to bring Rachel back to the states or when Grandma gets that homesick feeling...or when Ray wants to go to a conference, etc.

We travel Continental or American most easily from Belize.


Ray & Becki & Rachel

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


WOW! It seems incredible and it is - we REALLY like our little house in the jungle - it's great!

It's not quite there yet but is getting better every day - we still have some things to finish installing or issues to solve but we are in - and it feels good!

This week we actually bought beds for us and for Rachel too (doubles as a guest bed too...hint, hint!) Having real beds and firm mattresses for the first time since May feels so good to our backs - yeah!! (we still have the air mattresses should anyone want to visit! hint... hint...)

At times, we look out of our windows and look at the jungle and all its variously shaped leaves and a little laugh will slip out...the accompanying thought is: "We're in the jungle!" It's just sort of funny. On the days that we start to think, well this is not really jungle, there are denser places, etc. we get reminded by seeing a large jungle cat, or seeing the toucans and parrots flying about, or simply the gentle hum of thousands of mosquitoes to lull you to sleep at night (just kidding about that part!)

Becki has had fun making our concrete floor look fantastic. taking advantage of the abundance of inspiration from the incredible leaves that surround our abode. She simply takes some leaves, lays them on the floor, gives a quick spritz with some spray paint, then comes back and fills in outlines, vines, etc and Viola! Fabulous floor!

This is our hallway...

She has also found out that not living in a city or even a suburban area means there ain't no trashman coming to pick up the garbage. So twice a week she burns what we have, then washes the smoke smell out of her hair! She's amazing to me, as she simply keeps doing whatever needs to be done...yep, I love my wife!

Did I mention she cleaned our truck too?!! She doesn't even get to drive it much as I'm gone a lot but she made it look purty! 

Just sharing a bit with our friends - be blessed, we sure are!

~Ray, Becki & Rachel

Monday, October 6, 2008


Hi all !

Just a short note to share a beautiful moment with you...

This week while teaching "Preaching the Story of God" the students all had a chance to share in front of the class. This was challenging for some - and intimidating for others.

One older man, who is quickly becoming my hero, finally took his turn in front of the group. As he shared, he was becoming emotional sharing about his Savior. Indians here do not typically cry and when they do, they try to stifle it...but not this man.

As he shared the tears began to slip down first one cheek, then the other and instead of attempting to stifle them, he told why they were okay.

He said, "When I share about my Savior or things that touch my heart, it moves me and I will not be ashamed. I was not ashamed to be out in the world doing the things I used to do so why should I be ashamed now if I cry when something  moves my heart?"

By the time, he had said this, the tears formed rivulets down the aged lines of his tanned face and were dripping freely onto his shirt.

I did not turn around to confirm this, but I don't think his were the only tears by that time...

Be blessed!
