We live on a corner, both at the front and at the back of our home, we are surrounded by the steet or the two alleys. At the back, behind our detached garage, is where the City had dropped off one of the 'green monsters'. These 300 gallon trash cans are pretty big and can collect a lot of trash in a week's time. Being on the corner I think ours can get extra attention at times. One morning at 4:30 am, it was the center of attention for the local fire company who came to put out the fire that resulted from someone either lighting the trash on fire or putting a small incendiary device into the huge trash can. It actually burned for awhile then EXPLODED! The flaming trash flew everywhere! The trash was also burning the outside of our wooden garage, which housed a gas can, lawnmower, several bikes --- and my truck. Did I mention that our van was parked right next to it?
You can see the scorch marks on the garage from this early morning arsonist. I guess since it did not burn down or burn up my truck, we have some thanks and praise to deliver! We do Thank God for His protection and the so grateful to experience His watchcare over us.
Our neighbors have apparently not had a good relationship with their neighbors on the other side. We don't know any of them yet but have noticed the rather loud, vulgar language and rude attitudes that seem to be prevalent. Just recently, the Columbus police were called out to attempt to calm a very volatile seen where both men were threatening at the top of their lungs "I'm gonna KILL you!"
Hey, kids wanna come inside and play now?! Yeah good idea!
Anyhow, I don't know what all happened but the neighbors next to us suddenly moved out of their apartment. Perhaps that will be good, perhaps it will only mean a different person of the same temperament may move in. Perhaps the Lord will get ahold of all of them and rearrange their hearts before they do some rearranging on their own...(if you know what I mean...)
Annnnd.....just as of this morning, I watched a man go through our yard and then the alleys around our house, raising his dark sunglasses so he could see to scan the ground for something of value. Did I mention this was long before sunglasses would be needed? Yeah...let the reader understand. He was searching for enough change to make a purchase...of what exactly I was not sure. But when Becki and I encountered him on our walk to the grocery store, he was standing just out of direct sight, licking his lips. Needless to say, my defenses were rising rather quickly. When we passed by that spot again, there was an oversized beer can left where he had been.
We also passed a spot where people are living back in some brush next to the train tracks and came across a couple who appear to be living in a storage rental unit. I wouldn't have seen all of this except my wife takes short cuts to go to the store...I reminded her that her husband would really appreciate her not doing this route alone!
So, keep us and our neighborhood in your prayers - we - or they...need them.